[re Peachtree Audio] Why would you need a DAC to connect an iPod to an amp? It only outputs analog signals, not digital (can you imagine Steve Jobs allowing the latter...) Same with most computer setups, unless they have S/PDIF out.
[re Peachtree Audio] Why would you need a DAC to connect an iPod to an amp? It only outputs analog signals, not digital (can you imagine Steve Jobs allowing the latter...) Same with most computer setups, unless they have S/PDIF out.
Why isn't the woman in the photo using her iPhone as a remote instead of that so-last-century abomination she's holding?
Maybe not, but I AM my iPod touch.
Are Michael Jackson one-handed gloves gonna make a comeback as cellphone accessories?
I gave up on my iPhone 3G a year ago and am back to enjoying the reliability of my old Samsung flip-phone with a pull-out antenna (my hubby's Motorola stubby-antenna phone works pretty well too). In the misguided convergence craze, I think everyone has forgotten how well those things worked AS PHONES.
A lucky guess (or plagiarism) on their part, since CU can't understand technology more complicated than a blender. Even their car reviews, formerly their bread & butter, are bullshit these days. I gave up on them two decades ago.
Just trying to get attention by being a contrarian.
Fugly. The bezel's way too big, and the active area too small.