
Can someone tell me why I'm unable to print the comments on Gawker blogs? Doesn't work (under OS X) using Safari, Firefox, or Chrome. Works on all other blogs that I can think of. The article prints, but without comments.

@infmom: I used to use a crock pot before I got into sous vide. The results are completely different.

@piesforyou: Not enough heat output, unless you're talking about something that the Monterey Bay Aquarium might use.

I'm all for nifty electronics projects (being a retired electronics engineer), but I think the commercial approach might be a better idea here.

@eagles3.7: I hope you're joking with that last part...

They didn't factor in the cost of occasional emergency room care, especially if you ride like the person pictured.

@jaycustom79: GraphicConverter is a cheap, excellent editor for the Mac that does auto levels (and many other Photoshop functions) well. There's surely something similar for Windows.

For me, brushing my teeth with baking soda appears to help get rid of canker sores.

@baest: It was much better when they included sauerkraut.

The setup described above is for folks looking for a particularly painful form of suicide.