
"People" are rubbing on YOU? Wow, just wow...

Why "too bad?" More often that not, whenever I see these comment threads on this issue, I witness anonymous tirades and attacks on "regular" size people by those who who self-identify as overweight, rather than the other way around. In fact, I never see skinny people actively taking out aggression on fat people over

I knew Miley was indeed my spirit animal. I have many witchy dresses like these and just pulled a very long black wool one with full skirt just like this one and a plunging neckline (which can be buttoned up to one's mood and liking with cute white buttons) out of my winter closet just yesterday.

I have an irrational hatred of model Erin Heatherton, perhaps balanced out by a newfound rational love of model Devon Windsor.

no, ART Marfa,

My body is not irregular, thank you very much. I hate the idea that the only way to "achieve" a "thigh gap" is to starve oneself; there exist those of us at a healthy weight who have one naturally, no matter how much we weigh.

Get a mammogram. I have very dense breast tissue and thought I shouldn't get one. My Dr. ordered an ultrasound only but the hospital won't do it without a mammogram. Turns out I had clusters of micro-calcifications in one breast, which is an early sign of breast cancer not detectable though any other means. My biospy

I know, I feel like he's just trying to be "all nineties." Remember all the variations of cartoon monkeys in the 90s? Paul Frank style? The piercings and mini-crown confirm it. I'm just waiting for Bieber's next girlfriend to carry a baby backpack.

sorry for misleading you—Brandon is the deep white hippie, Jose was just lovely to be around and look at. Very sweet, attentive, and funny. We dated for about four months, nothing serious, but am still friends with all of those boys! Fame couldn't have happened to better people, in my opinion. I used to go to their

Yes! And he was soooo gorgeous back in the day. I was enthralled by his beautiful white teeth and his long glossy dark hair. I was so focused on him, I basically never even noticed that Brandon was hot. He just struck me as deep white hippie at the time... Anecdote—one time my friends and I went on a night hike in

Ah, this same thing happened to me when I was a young lass in high school in LA. He was a drummer in a band — which was called Incubus! I guess I should have stayed with him...

Old Navy's line of exercise pants are excellent quality, inexpensive, durable, and thick. Their athletic socks are good quality, too. FYI everything I've ever bought at Target has disintegrated or fallen apart.

I really like it. It's very Louis Sullivan art nouveau meets goth sex shop. Which I've never seen before.

This incenses me. Can you not write on your profile that you will not answer messages of a sexual nature, and that you find them offensive? Does that even work?

I'm pretty sure I'm the pickiest single woman ever. And I don't even live in Bklyn. I can't help myself!

I'm sorry if my comment came off as insensitive. I just watched a couple of skits with her and winced at her seemingly always making light of her weight in the most trite ways possible. I meant that she "plays" the fat girl, not referencing her actual weight.

She always ruins every skit for me, because she only has one character, so to speak. She's the fat, naive, wide-eyed straight player. She's annoying and in my opinion, totally dispensable!

Well, I wish they would replace Aidy Bryant with just about anyone...

I forgot to mention—before you start, part your hair from the back of your head, the part that hits the pillow....

I hope she's not evil! That's me!