
Having not heard too many damning things about J-Lo's people, I'm thinking that, unfortunately, it's a descent, not lateral. Poor Gilly!

Oi. Good luck, Gilly. Mariah's "people" are absolutely, 1000% the worst people IN THE WORLD. I once had negotiate a deal with her "manager," and he would regularly scream obscenities at me, call me at 4:00am to scream at me for no particular reason, his phone would "accidentally" call me while he was screaming

I can't wait to go makeup free for a man I'm dating. If they are lucky enough to see me without makeup, it is because all that rush from having amazing sex makes me feel much more beautiful without it.

This never ever makes sense to me. I know very skinny ladies without thigh gaps and healthy ladies (like me—muscular, athletic, average, nice thighs, nice butt!) who have a thigh gap. Even at my heaviest, I had a thigh gap. It's just the way I'm built, and has nothing at all to do with how thin I am at any point.

I wish I attracted lapsed Catholics instead of fanatical Christians.

Yeah the last one made me promise him that if God tried to come into my life, I'd be open to Him and embrace Him and not fight it. I'm sorry, but playing out your dating fantasies with me through religious metaphors—not going to work. Two admitted to me that they believed I was "sent from God" to them (seriously, two

Funny, recently, very devout Christian men have been trying to date me (an atheist cultural jew). I have no idea why they are so persistent; also: their weird religious hangups turn me off so completely.

I wish Ulta was open 24/7 because I need to wear that lipcolor now and forever.

I wish Ulta was open 24/7 because I need to wear that lipcolor now and forever.

I fail to see how admitting anonymously online that I have small tits amounts to "terrible self destructive" behavior and distorted body image. What massively egregious inductive body shaming!

Your comment is TRULY out of line. I am 5'4" and weigh 125 pounds. I'm very confident about my body and won't let you shame me because I'm petite on top. Jeez.

I was wondering if you saw a photo I wasn't seeing somehow, because I see small perky boobs on a tall thin woman. C'est tout. The weird shadows you are seeing on her torso are from the gazar of the shirt. Her chest looks like mine. I'm not sending you one of my topless shots from my vacation, sorry.

I was wondering if you saw a photo I wasn't seeing somehow, because I see small perky boobs on a tall thin woman. C'est tout. The weird shadows you are seeing on her torso are from the gazar of the shirt. Her chest looks like mine. I'm not sending you one of my topless shots from my vacation, sorry.

Which one are you referring to? Honestly, I don't see it. Anorexia doesn't hide. Also: I identify with the way these boobies look and I'm very healthy, thank you very much.

That's what I meant when I said it's not "wearable." I dunno, though, it does revive some of my most latent and forgotten 90s fashion memories, though. Like plaids and brocades, "grandpa shorts" from the thrift store, and long silky mermaidy dresses with burnout velvet accents. I like that he's bringing back the

Seriously? I just see small natural breasts here, not "sad, deflated" breasts. Check yourself.

Yeah but this you could put together in about 2 seconds for under $1 at the Goodwill.

I'm really into the one-sided dress underneath the bolero jacket. Inspired idea. As for the rest: soul erosion time

More Ulyana Sergeenko, please (including coverage of her shows...)