is this really an issue for people? it’s not like a returnal run or something.
is this really an issue for people? it’s not like a returnal run or something.
About six years ago was one of Sony’s last E3s. 50% of their conference was pure indie. They even had a segment were four devs stood on stage playing indie games … no sales charts or over promises or target-render bullshit; just four fellow dorks playing some cool looking indies. Afterwards PS4 was relentlessly…
It’s a dumb series built around shooting nameless enemies, hunting animals for their skins, taking down forts, and blowing shit up. Personally, I really don’t need it to be more than that.
The Switch Deck, by Valve’s own admission, is pricey. The starting model costs 400 bucks, more if you want faster, larger internal storage.
I was talking about this writer’s inability to not lose shit in their couch which seems to be 2/5 of their issues. 1/5 beng directed at Hori, 1/5 being something they admit to having never tried, and then you get to the menu which isn’t perfect but can be easily navigated by a fucking child.
The computer this article was written on and the phone that you are reading it on (and probably the system the game in question plays on) were all created by companies who’s supply chain’s use SLAVE labor to extract the necessary minerals out of the ground. Complaining about employees who are actually compensated for…
Picture this:
This is why I’m so reluctant to discuss politics or morals with people. Yeah Ubisoft may have appropriated questionable source material but the message is obvious. On its face, to me, the quote is about standing in solidarity with other groups because we all have something in common. It’s also about not letting an…
“The result is a marketplace where you can no longer buy a Switch or a Switch Lite at their normal price points.”
Sounds like you did mean the Lite.
“To solve crunch, probably the best you could say: don’t try to make Game of the Year.”
Thanks for the practical information! Stuff like this is really useful!
What I want to know is what will happen to PS+ games when the PS3 and Vita are eventually taken offline for good. Will they just unlock the games for everyone or will they be forever unplayable after that?