
PS5 is a more traditional generational leap. It has a new OS and more novel hardware. The Xbox Series X is essentially just a more suped up Xbox One X which is fine and obviously on paper it is more powerful than PS5, but I think it should come as no surprise to anyone that the Xbox interface is more polished as it’s

The computer this article was written on and the phone that you are reading it on (and probably the system the game in question plays on) were all created by companies who’s supply chain’s use SLAVE labor to extract the necessary minerals out of the ground. Complaining about employees who are actually compensated for

It sounds to me like he has some OCD and issues around being in control. How does he handle it when something goes wrong and is beyond his control in real life?

Why does anyone even care what this guy does or doesn’t do? Short of an actual crime what reason could there be to ban him? Because he said a “no-no” or might influence a child? You shouldn’t be watching him if you are a child anyway. And if someone is of weak enough character to be negatively influenced by this clown

So basically you just enjoy wasting your one and only existence. Good for you. 

I have had dreams since early access began. If you intend to delve into the content creation side of things using 2 PS Move controllers is absolutely the ONLY way to go. At first it does have a learning curve and when you are used to traditional camera movement it can seem like the PS Move setup will never feel

Ghost recon:wildlands and the division are completely different games due to one simple thing. The guns are actually guns in ghost recon and, the enemies die when shot in a somewhat realistic manner. However, guns in the division are squirt guns, and the enemies are bullet sponges, and can be shot obscene amount of

So here is why this doesn’t make any sense. Idk how much gaming Belamire does because the article didn’t go into that and I don’t care to research it but I would assume that if shes playing a new VR game she’s at least somewhat aware of modern games if not very familiar. If she has played any popular console or pc or

sounds like you need to make a trip across the boarder “guy from idaho”

was going to say this exactly but you beat me too it. glad its top comment. Give Starggering Ox some love

Place a piece of tape so that if goes around both steel suspension parts. Make it a few layers or put a small piece of foam between the tape and the steel. Should in theory prevent most if not all of the tuning fork style sounds you are hearing. Essentially you just want to dampen it. I have no experience with this

This is exactly what I did the second I saw xp numbers pop up when I killed an animal. I recommend to anyone that wants to get immersed in this game, or haven’t been able to get immersed in this game yet to try this. Turn off every single bit of HUD you can possibly stand to have off. The only HUD elements I have on