
If one were to look at all the areas of any city that fell within the radius of a school for the drug enhancement, they'd realize that these zones essentially cover the entirety of most major cities due to the fact that there are a lot of schools, churches, and daycares scattered everywhere to the point that the zones

I love how she's making a little "shove it" gesture with her arms

+1 for "icky coasties" alone

I still count 1994 as a championship

I still maintain that Alex Gonzalez(one of the two at the time) cost the Cubs the Series. Just like Calvin Schiraldi he got away scot free from one of the greatest blunders of all time.

"Ignore the bad thing if the person pointing it out would benefit if the bad thing were to stop" That seems reasonable

I will continue peeing in the shower until my dying day.

I suppose this is better than how he ended Game 4 last year...

Donovan McNabb is still confused

Yeah but at least Little Caesars actually owns a pro team. Papa John tries to be Louisville's Phil Knight

exactly. they by definition "released the report" but didn't in actuality release anything. Its all a big game

That was literally the first thing I thought when they announced he signed with Penn State. Its like the Ferguson PD hiring the guy that had shot someone to death to run their PR

Your 40 Year-Old, Male, Single, 5'10", Fit, Bald, Caucasian, Hazel-Eyed, Overeducated, Nice Dressing, Wine- and Food-Obsessed, West Loop-living Secret Admirer

The High School's nickname is the Satans. Seriously.


Always the Jazz. Always.

look at what he did in 2007 when they finally got him weapons

As a Tigers fan living in the City of St Louis, I want nothing more than to see these smug fair weather(something people like to omit when talking about the Best Fans In Baseball(TM), just look at their attendance from the late 80s to the mid 90s, or the entire 70s) obnoxious assholes have their team booted in three.

This is very true. St Louis has problems because the convention center, which operates the dome, would like nothing more than to kick the Rams out to use the facility for conventions which make up a large portion of the St Louis economy. The County would be perfect for a football stadium since that's where all the

They started this last year. They pinked the fuck out for the first couple of weeks and after a LOT of complaints, they significantly dialed it back for the rest of the month. I think the fans finally called bullshit on it and didn't want a full quarter of the season in pink