Zetes Johnson

Yes, all three Super Mario Brothers hold up fine. The Legend of Zelda MOSTLY holds up okay, as does Metroid (they were both vastly surpassed by their SNES counterparts; SMB was probably surpassed, but not to such a degree).

Il posto and I fidanzati are actually quite short, only 90 minutes or so each.

Il Posto is a masterpiece. I saw it and I fidanzati around the same time. The latter is fine, but I was disappointed after Il posto, which moved me profoundly.

I posted this above, but I'll post it here again:

I like Wooden Clogs a lot more than Despair or Empire of Passion, neither of which is even close to their respective director's best work.

I'll cosign that. I know how beloved it is, but it's just so boring - and, honestly, is it at all insightful? I don't think so.

I've seen it relatively recently on DVD from Netflix - is it not available anymore?

It's why I drink my own pee.

Particularly physically, as she assumed he still had a baby penis beforehand.

Very few NES games do. Super NES on the other hand, many of those games are still awesome.

That game wasn't particularly difficult. The first one was far harder.

(basically this movie is the reason you're unemployed)

I have a degree in classics. We should hang out!

It is right now, too.

He likes a challenge, duh!

That's funny. My friend's girlfriend (now his wife) wanted to flee the theater at that part.

You just called me Liz!

Hey, you mess with the Devil, you get the horns!

That one day a couple years back when the Rapture was supposed to happen, a friend and I tried to watch the old Left Behind. I think we got like 20 minutes in before we pulled the plug. I turned on American Dad's Rapture's Delight instead.

Hey! Don't forget her EP. That was pretty great, too.