Treasure Planet is really amazing. Really fantastic animation. Between that and Lilo & Stitch, 2002 was a great year for Disney.
Treasure Planet is really amazing. Really fantastic animation. Between that and Lilo & Stitch, 2002 was a great year for Disney.
There's a hilarious anecdote in one of Aziz Ansari's stand up specials where he talks about going to a Walking with Dinosaurs show by himself. Oh, here it is:…
Wasn't it a creative decision straight out of the 90s? Am I the only one who remembers Disney's Dinosaur from 2000?
Call him something like Dino, but more proactive!
Yeah, God, remember when Russia seemed like it was becoming not evil? Between Gorbie and Yeltsin, it seemed like it might be a pretty cool country.
I thought the most recent season was the least good (still loved it, though), but, man, did it stick the landing.
I was totally going to correct you, but, OMG, Gorbachev is still alive?
Believe me, I have the DVDs and see the episodes frequently in syndication. Even the best episodes of FG pale in comparison the Bob's Burgers. In fact, I can't wait until BB gets syndicated.
Oh, there's always an inlet. Or a canal. Or a fjord.
Thankfully, the school shooter last week didn't go on a full-on spree, so we were good.
He's talking about Leonard Pierce, the noted psychic.
Or Kat Denning exclaiming "Mjollnir!" as the hammer shot by her.
Yep, me, too. After the movie was over my friend said to me, "That was the best scene in the movie," and I thought the exact opposite. Didn't like the movie much at all, really, and, yes, The Lone Ranger wipes the floor with it.
Don't feel bad. I love that movie and a cult is already forming around it. I particularly love the sequence where Hammer and Depp are buried up to their necks. Hammer is overjoyed to hear the cavalry coming, but they don't even see them and the horses' hooves nearly crush their skulls as they go flying by.
I'd like to think that the wolf was Dakota from Eastbound and Down. It wandered over to the Trophy Wife house after Kenny Powers freed it, and Kenny found it after Diane sent it on its merry way.
It's the plural of the word Jesus that makes that joke.
Gangster Land is the only movie on the list that I've seen (I'll probably watch MOS at some point). I liked it okay. Not good, obviously, but it looked pretty cool and I enjoyed watching Sean Penn chew the scenery.
Not "You Culture Killed My Dog" by They Might Be Giants?
I actually watched it a couple of weeks back. More utterly forgettable than outright bad. Well, the performances (basically just Will and his son) are really terrible, but it could have been a decent movie.
No way, fuck that guy!