Zetes Johnson

I didn't listen to their new record, but I found their last two utterly boring.

Why would Waxahatchee? She reminds me of like Liz Phair, whom I wouldn't call emo.

I like Marling's record a lot, but it's probably three or four songs too long. At 16 tracks, I've found it difficult to get through it more than twice.

1. The Goondas - Dog Show
2. Janelle Monae - The Electric Lady
3. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
4. Neko Case - The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You
5. Har Mar Superstar - Bye Bye 17

Yeah, really shocked to see that on the list at all, let alone #2. I like the record fine, but to me it's just decent pop rock. I've listened to it in its entirety like twice and it was doubtful I'd ever listen to it a third time.

I can't name another show with a pun for a name, so I can't answer that question. I find the rhyme in B23 very cute, and always hated when fans insisted on using the whole word "bitch," especially when "b" is often used as shorthand for "bitch."

Are you really saying some lesbians couldn't be mistaken for men? Is that really that offensive?

I'm a Jackie Backer myself, but Warren comes in second for me. He's hysterical.

I think they're about equal, but, if forced to choose, I'd choose Trophy Wife, perhaps just because it seems that a lot of people have avoided it.

I've always liked the titles Better Off Ted and Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23. Never understood the hate. Cougartown, yeah, that name kind of harmed the show. Trophy Wife should have been called The Third Wife, because Trophy Wife makes Akerman out to be a bimbo, which Kate is not.

Akerman was actually quite good in The Heartbreak Kid. It was the script that sucked ass. She was definitely miscast in Watchmen. If you're a fan of Childrens Hospital, then you should know why Akerman deserves great things.

It's doable in IE, but not at all in Firefox.

The Dissolve.

I thought it was pretty average myself, but when Jen punched Tina I couldn't stop laughing. That was so unexpeced.

Well, she is voiced by Mullally, and Mullally did cover that onceā€¦

They're actual size, but they seem much bigger to me.

I hope it's his headshot.

A$AP Rocky a couple of episodes back.

Maybe you couldn't, but I always could nail them down as libertarians pretty easily.

I hate the ManBearPig episode, but I can't help but laugh at "I'm super serial, you guys!"