
you know. quad Core CPU are still viable gaming CPUs. This is very much doable outside of “because we can”. Even if you got a 6600xt, you would still get decent gains using this method if you wanted a setup that works at home and on the go. 

The name wont survive to release. Pathfinder is already a really successful RPG series. Ubisoft is going to change the name by release.

Small correction: Luffy didnt eat the Gum-Gum in Chapter 1. When the series started, he already had eaten the fruit already. The origin of his power wasnt told until later.

definitely not Zoan. He cant suddenly turn into a Road Runner and disappear into a cloud of smoke.

ever been to hawaii? one trip will quickly clue you in to why a hostel.

college did nothing wrong. student did bad thing, student got caught doing bad thing, and the college at least gave the student the ability to finish the semester before removing him from the campus. As far as I read, the college actually did really well to handle the situation. 

they do human verification on case by case basis. but it takes time. they have a lot of stuff to sift through and communication takes time. this isnt a 5 minute process.

lol do you think youtube only get 20 videos reported a day? 

they have to “shoot first ask questions later” stance because otherwise they leaves themselves open to liability from copyright holders. they dont want to, but US is suit happy. So they dont want to put themselves in that position.

problem with DMCA is the enforcement of, what is, completely shitty copyright laws. YouTube is being forced to enforce laws that end users have to abide by. Dont blame YouTube, blame the Entertainment industry who are grasping at straws to make more money from their stuff.

bit of both. they sponsored once, saw it wasnt as profitable. pulled out when they can, not looking to get back in. Overwatch isnt LCS. They dont get tens or hundreds of millions of people watching. And blizz needs to build up to that point.

my result from sedecordle. this is someone who never played wordle.

yep, perfect example. Compare prices of local produce to those imported. makes perfect sense.

I think this version of beyond salvaging. Build a new version of Warzone that fixes all the problems the old one has and build it to support future updates. It’s not a great solution, but it’s the only one that makes sense right now. Fixing the old one basically requires starting from scratch.

 better information can get through a lot quicker if we can actively work to slow down the spread of misinformation. because misinformation can spread like wildfire which drowns out better information.

Well yeah. An Arc going across 4 years means this Arc alone is getting close to nearly 200 chapters in length. A manga with over 1000 chapters means this Arc alone is nearly 20% of the series. It’s more that there is A LOT going on during this Arc. Culmination of a number of different story arcs from the series all

Honestly, Nintendo sounds like they are afraid of taking calculated risks. Like someone who is afraid of trying something new because bad things might happen. 

it’s a bit more complicated than that. This wasnt Toei just being giant dicks other than the sole purpose of being giant dicks. I believe Toei was working within the context of Japanese Law, which they have different laws regarding fair use. Because YouTube sends stuff globally, his was following fair use in

absolutely the wrong thing. They do give a shit. there is a gigantic difference between someone who buys just a console and someone else who buys a console, 4 games, 2 controllers, cords, batteries, monthly sub card, and a headset.

Gamepass doesnt hold much value without new big titles coming in. Bethesda and Activision are worth more Alive than Dead. They need the constant stream of new titles into Gamepass to increase the monthly subscription.