
Take this example. You pay say $60. With MS, you get 4 months of GPU. after that no more games.

MS: 720p to your phone
Stadia: 1080p to your phone. and they give you on-screen touch controls as an option.

yep, it’s way better to pay $15 a month for something than pay nothing for better service... right?

oh! nice going then on the achievement. and that much money spent on the competition is nothing to sneeze at. Cant imagine the mental fortitude to get through some 133 games in the span of the month. Props to you.

Im sorry, but you are Sarah?

I reel for that poor gamer’s pocket book. Her score is super impressive, but I cant imagine how much money is cost her to reach that score in that month. at 1 game per 1000 score, that is likely in the vicinity of $500 for that score.

Battle Royal is F2p, any can download and enter the battle bus.

decaying returns in bugs. as companies develop more consoles, they wil only get better at producing near flawless launch consoles since they always reflect on past mistakes and correcting them the next time. as we get ps5, ps6, ps7 and so forth, sony/ms/nintendo will be making better and better launch hardware.

Consoles are built around PC parts. So yes, PC comparison is fair. The price of the console will be compared to an equivalent PC which makes the price an easier sell. And since there is no price tag on an equivalent PC, it really has no comparison. PS5 will have RDNA2, which isnt out and so far has ?? for a price.

Price is only a number when it has something to be comapred to. If they said a price now, then people would compare it to the PS4pro. if they waited, then people would have PC hardware to compare to and then would find the PS5 price fairly reasonable.

the tl;dr version of this bug was caused by 1 pixel in that entire photo. due to a rounding error that caused the color to go beyond the allowed color space. unintended bug of the software with no fault of the photographer. This doesnt happen if you take a screenshot of the photo or any other version of the photo.

I know im a few days late, but something just came back into my mind. CEOs, in many cases, are at the mercy of the Board of Directors. They have to keep them and the company happy. Kotick can be ousted by the board at a moment’s notice should they see fit. But his contract likely stipulates that his departure would

1. would not fly as that would not incentivize CEOs from making their companies more efficient. Reducing labor by cutting redundancies in your company helps the company’s long term success. Doing this would just make it more difficult if you are going to punish the CEO for trying to improve the company.

Sony knows they dont need help selling consoles. They will already sell out on name alone and demand will far exceed supply. Sony will announce big games, but expect launch to be mild. Any HUGE title will likely be for 2021 (all the big sequels). What we will likely get is something akin to a DE version of a big PS4

it’s making money and devs are supporting it, sounds like its doing fine.

more often, it’s because they arent getting a cut of the money that Nvidia is making from the hard work of developers. People like to point to the cafe example. but forget that the cafe is charging you to play your games and those developers arent seeing the extra income from it.

did it sell out at that price? clicking link is showing me $110 for it.

did it sell out at that price? clicking link is showing me $110 for it.

I think retiring stuff at the end of a season is a little too aggressive. should be around for a couple seasons more before being retired. Give the seasons some overlap. Opens up past stuff to people who join a season later. Can still experience some of the past content.

I think this is a good idea. the problem isnt the idea, it’s GameStop’s image. Which they are trying to change. Rather than a 100% sales focused experience (the image of Gamestop we have now), they are turning the place into a more casual social hub (the image they want to invoke).

Dammit Jason. Stop delaying good games! or else I will find you and I will... give you a hug to chase away whatever bad juju is following.