
Games or mini games? Not sure on appeal of $100 console with a bunch of mini games.

its SSD, but they are using a new SSD revision. PCIe 4.0. Imagine current limit of SSD is 600mb/s, 4.0 has a limit of 64GB’s. almost 100x faster than current iterations. They just need to have an SSD in the system with that capability. in something bigger than 500gb.

not when gamers are being forced to throw money at Epic for selling them games they want.

err not really. Unreal was a cash cow before Fortnite. And now the Epic Store will be another cash cow. They are slowly emerging as another Valve like studio. They dont need to release games often since the store supports the studio.

This isn’t an EA thing, this is a live services thing. Division, destiny 1 and 2, Warframe, fallout 76 and now Anthem (very likely Division 2 as well). All those games shipped in broken states and took months to years to get to the state they are in now. No live service ships in GotY status. Just the nature of the

Bug or feature? are we going to expect a nerf in the next few hours and apology about the quest giving rewards higher than intended?

children can buy a packs of trading cards just fine. no store will ever stop a child from buying a pack of yugioh or pokemon cards. why? no one considers them gambling. If you want to rid the video game business against lootboxes. then you might as well just outright ban MtG from existing since they work on the same

gambling has the stipulation that you walk away with literally nothing. like, zero nothing. Loot boxes do not contain ANY chance of rewarding people with an empty crate. or else people who definitely not spend on them. At the bare minimum, you are guaranteed a $1 worth of items.

My point was Brian mentioning that Platinum is working on Bayonneta 3 and no mention of them also working on Astral Chain.

No love for the recently announced Astral Chains? wow :(

“boy band” rolls off the tongue better than “man band” or, the gender neutral, “pop group”

Ps5 vs Xbox sequel, who do you expect to come out ahead?

A crime for no Scythe. or Photosynthesis, or Bang! The Dice Game (gets played too often among my friends).

A crime for no Scythe. or Photosynthesis, or Bang! The Dice Game (gets played too often among my friends).

Each primary spirit has one to three slots

Nintendo is aware that they did misstep launching the 3DS at $250. They wont be able to do it again with their successor because it is too close to the price of a switch.

... Nintendo has been doing THAT EXACT SAME THING FOR OVER 30 YEARS. Jesus. Nintendo having 2 devices isnt new. A small, rugged handheld device would not compete with itself. If people want to purchase both, or one... that is on them. Nintendo has had success in both markets. A relatively cheap (sub $200) gaming

It would not. A portable only Switch would only be $200. Which is still expensive for such a fragile product.

This is false. The switch doesnt fill in the young gamer category. The Switch falls in line with their home consoles. Family Friendly and relatively affordable. You cannot find a Switch for sub $150. That is the most a parent would spend on a handheld device for their kid.

Nah, Nintendo is working on a 3DS Successor. They know they cant support it forever and the tech is (relatively) aging. We could hear about the 3DS successor next year around the time Nintendo refreshes the Switch as well.

That wailord/magikarp has a crap ton of HP. cannot 1 shot without weakness being used.