
I know where you are coming from. Im not going to argue against, but its one of those things where you can hear the difference if you know what you are listening for. Its almost like arguing between 1080p upscaled to 4k and a 4k native image. you can barely tell the difference, but the difference is there if you know

honestly, I want that Fortnite Console. Im not even into Fortnite and it looks really good. Not over-the-top and not too plain.

Some of that is at the cost of competitiveness. Games where competition is a big thing and accessing the game early means getting ahead in the game before everyone else. Sports games, and online games means an early boost to power.

they dont announce everything. 6.0 can bring every feature that players ever asked for, and all the notes would say is: improved stability. meanwhile, new things found in every nook of the system that you swear wasnt there before. release notes arent comprehensive, neither is their commitment to announce features or

I dont think there was a talent problem, but there was very much a coaching/training problem. A lot of teams had good talent, but were missing the training for the cohesion. I think the league definitely needs more solid coaches.

eh. this is something they could have seen coming a mile away. if they wanted a more diverse culture, they would have been super active. What the culture their is now is a result of complacency. They were complacent with the success they found and the way things were going. They didnt really question the diversity or

Asus introduces new laptops... with basically older hardware... less than a week before Nvidia reveals their new cards?

forsaken is $40 on its own. and then another $30 (or was it $20) for another annual pass...

because they can get all the credit of having done a good job without the effort of having done a good job. 

Im going on a limb and say tournaments might require clear sleeves and ban any color’d/art sleeves.

the secondary market exists in decks that are random’d into a very good state. the better combo of cards it has, the more it will sell.

One surprising metric from this... the Gamecube, despite being their 2nd worst selling console... had nearly 10:1 software to hardware sales. 21mil consoles and almost 210 million units of software sold. which is an especially high attach rate for a console. The wiiu almost managed this same feat.

actually watch the trailer. The boss is more than just full with bullets until it keels over. The boss has weak points that speed up the fight dramatically, and different phases of the fights. Which keeps things fresh from fight to fight.

Honestly, Combat and theme about the only thing resembling Destiny. But RPG Shooters pre-date Destiny. Same with Sci-Fi theme. I found loot system closer to Division, class system closer to Warframe, and a Travel system that is better than Destiny. Strongholds look to be longer than Destiny’s strikes (though we only

Nintendo is in different positions in different regions. In Japan, Nintendo has a strong presence because of the portability. In the western regions? they are losing to consoles like the PS4 because western gamers prefer power over portability. Nintendo needs to show western gamers why Nintendo matters.

again, it costs money to go to these conventions. with the benefit of showing people your games. Setting up a booth at E3, or TGS costs tens of thousands of dollars. But why spend the money to go and setup if you arent benefiting from it? It doesnt make financial sense. Ever since Iwata introduced the concept of a

better question, why do they need to be at TGS? if Nintendo has stuff to announce, that is what Directs are for. if they want to demo games, that is what eShop is for. what does TGS exhibit offer that they dont do already?

a $150 2DSXL is way cheaper than a $300 switch. Nintendo has 0 trouble selling switches and only producing these limited edition 2DS XL designs to sell more 3DSes. They know and we know that 3DS is nearing the end. Fewer and Fewer games are releasing. This is Nintendo giving the 3DS its last hurrah.

A news site is covering news for a game that is actively being updated and played by millions of players.. I think you need to break from the internet for a few... years.

The return of Nintendo hard. Difficulty shouldnt sacrificed in order to  enjoy the game. People have accepted that games like dark Souls(Demon’s Souls) are still really fun even when players arent having their hands held through the game. The end result is that the game is much more satisfying knowing you have