
the best solution: Twitch needs to announce that they will start to contact authorities for anyone that is confirmed to be harassing viewers. shit needs to stop and people doing it need to know that their actions have real consequence.

Im heading to GenCon as well. Im likely going to be picking up Downforce from Restoration Games. That and Imperial Settlers(maybe).

Fahey, your character did pop up into my plaza last night. Was rather fun to see.

I think this is a case where they are unbanned and given a second chance under the new rules. any further penalties will be under the new system. Also, they were given harsh punishments as minors. looks like their new system offers a lot more flexibility in punishment depending on the severity and age of the people

your team earns say 5 points per person after a tournament based on performance. but your team is only valued at 15 points if those are only points your team has earned.

interesting. why is that?

Question for your Jason, would you still be excited for the SNES mini if Nintendo came out and said that they plan to make VC available for the Switch with 50 snes games for $20 a year?

eh, Must be Marvel trying to downplay F4 as much as possible. Im sure Marvel wants the MCU to be just as reflective as the CBU. But with Fox holding on to F4 and Sony has Spiderman... their MCU cannot be a complete unit of Non-Mutant entities. They just need to make F4 as unprofitable for Fox as possible so they do

technically... sony already cross plays with PC. both PS3(before support ended), PS4 and PC versions are able to cross play with each other. At this point, they should not have the ability to say no.

I mean... soon works. we are talking blizzard soon here.

so... basically what the original trailer showed us with the mewtwo group event.

the E3 showing was cobbled together. It isnt hard for Nintendo to up the quality of their tournaments.

Nintendo is in a state where things are changing. This is a good time for them to create an e-Sports division and turning some of their games into e-Sports. Their player base would appreciate this.

the price difference between this and Nintendo’s is $15. you make it sound like you are saving hundreds.

What 1 game do you want Nintendo to announce for the Switch?

you end up way less disappointed in life. and way more surprised when life doesnt disappoint.

there were rumors that there is work on one. there was never a rumor that it would release. people like draw conclusions where there was none. companies experiment all the time to see what is possible.

please... do try harder to have higher expectations. /s

ok.. lets look at hypothetical situation where switch handled chat. switch handles chat... how about music? not available and not likely ever. youtube? eventually but not while gaming. chat? eh, convenient but then we are tied to Nintendo’s network performance for chat to be fine. if Nintendo’s network is shit, so

I actually like this. with this, I can listen to music or watch a youtube video or something on netflix while gaming. heck, can even use something like discord with my friends while gaming on my switch.