
whelp, dont have an xbox one. but now I have a game to play on it if I ever got one.

soo... announcements not a thing anymore? seems like leaks are a norm these days.

Jeff’s response makes it seem like the community hasnt even scratched the surface of hints found in game.

so is Atlus publishing this? or Sony?

With Watch Dogs 2 Replacing Assassin’s Creed as Ubisoft’s Fall release, do you think that this is a good move for both franchises? I know Assassin’s Creed will be back next year, but still unknown whether it will continue to be a fall release.

Continuing my playthrough of Ni no Kuni. Only something like 16 hours in. Still havent scratched the surface and at the 3rd town. The side quests in the game are just terrible to complete. Hopefully leaving the first continent soon. At this rate, game will keep me busy until ZE3: ZTD releases later this month.

sir, no system is perfect. innocents are bound to get banned due to faulty flags. System error, human error. There are flaws in nearly any system that we can come up with. If you dont believe that innocents arent getting banned, then you have way too much faith in blizzard systems.

My overwatch account got banned when I went to read the article :(

This is just a problem with modern society and the internet age. People can dole out death threats, but there is little repercussion. People rarely report death threats to the authority. And if they do, nothing happens to the one who gave the death threat.

Me? Finishing out Sly: Honor Among Thieves from the Sly Collection, and then starting(and hopefully completing) Sly: Thieves in Time. Im slowly working my way through my backlog of PS3 games. If, somehow I finish Thieves in Time... then will start Ni No Kuni. I want to prep myself for 2 releasing this year.

News: New trailer for mighty no 9!

then what do you call the release of Dragon Quest Builders on Vita last month? or the Release of I am Setsuna on Vita in Japan?

they could create their own content, that doesnt use game footage. remember, those youtubers wouldnt be able to make those gaming videos without the hard work of somewhere between a handful and a few hundred people.

If you don’t make your costume, I don’t really see that as cosplay, because then you’re just modeling.

I think in his private replies to emails he probably has been more professional. But Im not sure what his expectation was when he posted that mock conversation. Laughs at the Conversation? Laughs at the cosplayer asking? Not sure if he completely thought through his actions when he posted that.

Nintendo is just protecting themselves. Youtubers make money off of the hardwork of devs, artists, voice actors, and designers that went into making that video possible. Nintendo is just finding the middle ground. Greedy? possible. they could lax it up a bit. But they have every right to images of their products. In

I want to expand on the comment I made in the SFCC thread.

Honestly... what did you expect? “Yes, we knew about the results of the NBA Draft a month in advance and Mutombo tweeted a few hours early because he confused his AMs and PMs.”

I think he has the right idea, just the wrong words. And I think people are just trying to point him out on some of it.

only if you are worried about every franchise getting a live action movie. some would get animated, others CG. Nintendo doesnt believe that every movie needs to be a live action movie.