
but if the titles are being added some 6 months after release(just a guess on time frame), would you really play $30 a year for a game that is essentially "old" at that point(and most of which are sports games).

gabe has said that there wont ever be plans for source 2 simply because source was created to be upgradeable in future. there may never "officially" be a source 2, but I would imagine them upgrading certain parts of source over time.

Shane, not directly related to anything on here... but getting hold of a Shield Tablet has been quite the journey. Last resort will be ordering from Newegg... but the item keeps disappearing from best buy and amazon. local microcenter has 1, but I checked yesterday and it was the floor model they have yet to take out

this a thing now? porting last gen games to next gen consoles? I swear... people are going to walk into their game store one day and just see the next gen shelf look exactly like the game shelves of 5 years ago. 5 years later and still being sold the same games.

The game will save the player's most recent vehicle combination for the next time they it up.

journalistic rumors for now. no official word from bungie yet about a PC release.

finally... another company who delays into next year rather than announce a november release date.

for people who are massive fans of the ghost and/or the line "that wizard came from the moon"(not that those two items have any correlation) or peter dinklage... then yes, ghost edition is a necessity.

economics 101.. people feed off others when demand is high and supply is low. bungie wanted low supply, and there are people who are willing to sell to others out of desperation.

this was bungie's decision to make them in limited supply. they could have printed over a million of the ghost editions and still have tons sitting on shelves, but chose to make a small quantity of them and as a result drastically increased the after market value of the ghost edition.

that's the thing. hard to get people excited for MH when the games are so far apart. People love CoD because they come out like clockwork. MH doesnt. You can always expect the next game to come out to be the last one... so people just have little incentive to purchase it unless their friends purchase it.

if they want more western audiences, then they need to treat them like a serious market. being treated as an audience that gets "sloppy seconds" is why capcom is losing faith with their fans. I love monster hunter and do wish for yearly releases. It is already agonizing to wait every 2-3 years for a new title to play.

we are getting 4U... next year... some months after Japan gets it. Even that is after Japan has 4 for over a year now.

10 years... and Western Market still gets the shaft with monster hunter games. Capcom... this is why no one likes you. Crappy Resident evils, slow western releases, and shelving megaman. oh and add deep down still being japan only. Capcom... you just plain out SUCK. You want to know why you cant afford much? you are

the only reason I see the 4 hour option(which is silly to begin with) working is it can work as a demo. price needs to be lower though... like a dollar or two for 4 hours of game time. But if you like it, then go down to your favorite game shop and pickup a new copy for cheaper than the 90 day option(which I would

he is avoiding it because he has nothing new to share. not his to say on when they will add ps1/ps2 games to PSNow. could be next year, or 5 years from now. A lot of stuff to figure out before then.

mark another one down for a rather crammed november. Note to devs... if you want your game to succeed, dont release your game in the same month as 50 other games. you are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

lord gaben should be behind bars... he has robbed me of too much money over the years.

I think Gary's mod has gone way beyond indie, and so has Rust. they are mainsteam games being made by a small studio that has hit success. instead of sitting on a pile of cash working on 1 or 2 games... they are reinvesting that cash back into their studio.

pc doesnt need all that because PC install base dominates console install base by a huge landslide. almost everyone uses a pc on a daily base. why do you think devs still make PC version of a lot of games.