
missing text on eye patch

tiny man is tiny

broken center window

again, another assumption. we havent heard anything about their revenue plans other than DLC and Box sales. So I assume that is the extent of their revenue.

you are making a huge assumption that destiny will be pay to play.. if it is, then kotick's expectations are still unrealistic. the number of people that are willing to sub to an MMO are dwindling every year.

by GTAV success I mean making a $1 billion in its first week of sales. not wow's 12mil of subs during its peak of popularity.

kotick's expectations for this game are way too unrealistic. Destiny will do well, but not GTAV well.

well, there is always hope with Titan. no idea what it will be like, but hopefully it is worth the wait for blizz fans.

Heroes of the Storm is still very much Alpha at this point. They arent even in closed beta yet. Though there is enough info out there that there really isnt much for them to announce.

This is just personal taste, but I would wait on 4K til 120hz(with 1 or 2 ms) is a possibility. Then I would invest in building a new machine to run it. Til then, I will enjoy my 2560x1440 monitor at 60hz(some regret not getting a 120hz monitor in general). My current monitor works and gives me ton of screen real

plenty of people wished that was an early April Fool's Joke.

a jacket that costs as much as a vita..

with how badly the ouya did... yeah, I can see those same people jumping on another android console for twice the price that will be outdated by year's end.

twice the price of ouya... again, MOJO missed the mark with the price tag.

better question, who is the MOJO appealing to with that price tag? With that money, you can buy a smartphone that outperforms the MOJO and a controller.

only those studios that cant afford to keep people. if you make a game and it is a huge hit, then they have money to keep people. otherwise the company is downsized to essential personal til they have a new project to ramp up hiring again.

successful studios would have work for those who completed a project to move on to. in this case, eidos has no new project that is far enough in developement for people to move on to. so they are let go.

hype died because ubisoft stopped marketing the game and showing it off. once they finish their polish, Im sure they plan to get the market gears in full swing to get people pumped for its release.

well, better to have ubisoft release Watch Dogs when it is nice and polished than to release it half done and broken. I think the polish would be worth the extra wait for them. Something EA might need to learn a thing or two about.

seems like a less social rune factory.