
I fully expect people to be supporting Fire Emblem Awakening. Anyone who doesnt just doesnt know good it is.

dat grin on DK's face after being slapped.

I was skeptical about how impressed I'd be by any next-gen launch title. Then I played Need for Speed Rivals. And I couldn't stop playing. Sure, it upgrades the visuals and the iterates on some pre-existing infrastructure. But Ghost Games' racing game does so in such an attractive way that it made me

this game needs more love in the kotaku GotY poll.

thanks for the info.

thanks, guess that is what i get for not clicking on the source link.

What, no CE announcement to accompany this announcement?

shu is president of sony's global brand. nintendo doesnt have a global division, just their market specific ones. it is entirely possible some nintendo execs do own PS4s, they will just never admit it publicly(or Xboxes).

shu doesnt let media sway his decision. he does his own research and forms his own opinion. just because the media say the wiiu isnt worth picking up doesnt mean he has to agree.

I would gladly take you up on your offer... if the 3DS wasnt region locked.

I thought this was the third attempt at an online lego game.

fair point. but people still recommend getting this game for the 3DS, even when people are unsure on what games to get.

playing through the game and reading about it online, I dont think that is really possible. Only thing that will change is the relation of offspring.

yeah, kinja be a strange thing. sometime pictures work, and sometime they dont.

Why Fire Emblem: Awakening Should be Game of the Year:

eh, mostly about the whys in the show. the show asks plenty of questions about the state of things and gives little bits and pieces of the answer along the way. also the show has some good action, which doesnt really hurt.

WoW F2P never happening, that would be the quickest way to piss off the remaining 8mil subscribers who have spent $1k+ over the last 9 years playing the game.

well, I guess Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD and Monster Hunter 3 ultimate would be able to compete.

well, you also have games like animal crossing, fire emblem and zelda link between worlds all releasing this year and all of them are worthy of the title.

sorta, releasing on 360 and PC as well.