
After 10 CoD titles, they better know who Activision is. Doesnt matter if you are shrieking 10 year old or someone who casually plays video games. Only people who dont know who Activision is are people who dont care about video games, which this trailer isnt even targeted towards.

anyone who plays CoD already knows who Activision is. It's like telling gamers Nintendo is the company that brought the world Mario games for the past 30 years.

uh, $30+$30=60 which is the price of the controller. unless there is a joke in there I missed somewhere.

"And the company that brought you Call of Duty", I think Activision should have left that part out.

well, I dont think Bastion was even considered Indie since it was published by WBI. They are a small studio, but I dont think indie ever applied to them. even when Bastion did release.

kinda defeats the point of permadeath if that was possible. the game saves are merely as a process to stop and come back later and not a way to continue if you die.

you read the final paragraph before the list?

well, glad I dropped facebook awhile back. now I dont get to be a face in the crowd!

really? could hardly tell with the images they provided.

2 shoulder and 2 back then, that is all I see. face buttons are reachable with thumbs.

which picture you looking at? portal 2 picture only points to the 2 on the back.

only 2 on the back. hardly half.

dual trackpads? why do I get the feeling that the design isnt as effective as it looks.

even more amusing that they are correcting the article 25 years later, as if people even remembered the mistake from that long ago.

Glad to know "But my friends are all getting it" works for kids to buy their parents anything. Parents, learn to take care of your kids. Dont buy GTA because their friends are all getting it. But because you as a parent have a child that is responsible and actually has a firm grasp on reality. Eh, what do I know...

nintendo games tend to hold value, same with CoD games(silly Activision) years down the line.

why do I feel like a lot of these are going to be even deeper during black friday this year? I can see some of these recently released games dropping to $30 or $40.

yeah, I know. but the joke never gets old.

Gabecube sounds like someone saying Gamecube with a stuffy nose.

3 announcements? Half life 3 confirmed!