Zeta Kai

Now, I may be forgetting something about the Bell riot episodes (Future Tense? I think?), but I don't remember anything racial about that episode. Socio-economic? Hells, yes. But racial? Only if you're really looking for it.

Louis CK is precisely what I was thinking of when I read the above comments. He hits the nail squarely on the head there, as he so often does.

Even on Our Man Bashir, there's a very good reason for the danger. The station's computers were taxed to their limits trying to retain the complete pattern of several people with losing fidelity. If they didn't gently coax the data back our of the holodeck, they would've ended up with the transporters reconstituting

Same thing with Jeffrey Combs. He even makes his various Weyouns distinct. DS9 got very, very lucky with their guest stars.

Wow, over 75 ups every time he opens his golden mouth. If only that kind of power could be weaponized…

Never let a fact get in the way of a good flow.

Mrhathu is real to me, but likely gibberish to you. Next week, I'll include a translation to make things easier for non-Mrathu-speakers. Not that my rhymes are anything as good as RJS's poetry.


I spent all morning writing a rap about Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges, only to find out that it doesn't get reviewed until NEXT week. Oh, my addled ganglial nodes…

It's played straight, & is quite a bit shorter, but is no less ridiculous a leap of logic than Black Dynamite deducing the bad guys' plans from M&M's & Greco-Roman mythology.

Final Fantasy X. The revelations learned at Home take place somewhere around the ~85% mark, & the rest of the game is nothing more than the logical fallout of those revelations. It's a pretty straightforward story, but the main character doesn't understand ANYTHING that's going on, so after every other dungeon, he's

Yes, this was atrocious bullshit that I would never tolerate today. Back then, I was single & could pull an all-night gaming session on a whim. Now, I'm a dad with two jobs who has to squirrel away a half-hour of game time if I'm lucky.

It's like a guy with a beard, which people tend to view as less trustworthy than a clean-shaven dude. What does that cupcake have to hide???

I see what you did there, sir. Well done.

Nicole de Boer agrees; she preferred the look & characterization of MirrorEzri to StandardEzri.

And by "there", you mean "hospital", right?

This topic of debate is exactly what I expect from my fellow Trekkers.

"…you seem to lack the intestinal fortitude…"

Like the audience for The Price is Right: a cacophony of dissonant voices, each screaming their own shrill song of madness.

I already think that Curzon was the Mark Twain of Trills.