We all do, FCW. It's been a rough week.
We all do, FCW. It's been a rough week.
And now Troi can keep her feels to herself on third shift. The only one who's there to listen to her obvious "insights" is Data, who can switch off his emotions at anytime, so he can't be read by her, & doesn't have to care about her insipid observations.
Do they HAVE to set the replicator to Crappy?
Also on Memory Alpha, the behind the scenes folk thought that The Emperor's New Cloak was a good episode. The mind boggles at how they arrived at that conclusion, but they apparently thought that things went well there. Huh. Yeah. Okay…
"Well, this crazy dame walked through my door, sweating gallons through a Lycra bodysuit so tight that I wish I could read lips. I could tell she was trouble from the ridges on her forehead & the look of desperation in her eyes; eyes such a deep golden yellow that a Ferengi would mistake them for pure pressed latinum.…
Murky waters need testing, one toe at a time.
"Murder Wizard" makes me chuckle.
But we already have "rollicking space adventure" in this show. It's called the primary universe, & it's just fine without a lipstick-lesbian mirror'verse reflecting everything in an adolescent fashion. Crossover maintained the dystopian allegory tone that the TOS episode had, whereas every subsequent trip to the well…
I would watch the ever-loving SHIT out of that show. Why watch anything else, at all, ever?
Am I alone in thinking that Mirror Ezri paired with Mirror Leeta is actually pretty hot? It can't be just me; the show got made, after all.
Haven't we suffered enough? Do we really need TWO Neelixes (Tuvix?)?
I don't think I can even give Badda Bing Badda Bang a chance. It's just… too much… Vic… too soon…
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Joran: Mustn't go that way! Mustn't hurt the Precious!
Baashir herru Dagks saaxh eyl Gkwark’z, shehr Odo deurkh uychu nua,
Yl Rom dharr sheyst cku ekt thyrg Zek ssugk mroh khuah,
Rrus Gkwark druul a beyd, yl Ezrri aijo-kaal uudkhi gkazan,
Gudh kelegk a xhimr Zek magkhuun, ur Vulkan nua vogkh sruxhan.
This is the only instance in which being MORE fanatical about Star Trek is seen as a good thing.
To be fair, that wasn't Voyager's fault. Voyager was just taking their cues for the Borg (both visually & stylistically) from Star Trek: First Contact, which really re-imagined the Borg into something unrecognizable from their TNG days.
The baby Borg seen in TNG could have been assimilated at an early age. I still think it's hilarious that the Borg put their own baby in a drawer. It's so typically of them, but it's funny as hell, too.
I can't be arsed to parse it myself, but are you doing iambic pentameter? If so, you deserve all of the kanar in the quadrant, O Waitress.
I only heard about the alt-tags from reading your post here… 62 strips in. Gadamit.