Zeta Kai

The Ferengi were horribly misconceived on TNG, so much so that I'm surprised that they lasted past the first season or so. They NEVER came off as a credible threat, their racist under/overtones were deeply uncomfortable (& not the compelling discomfort that the Borg engender), & they didn't have much to contribute in

Speaking as someone who has lost a (rather small) bit of oneself, I can agree that Nog's trauma is more resonant for me personally. But I could certainly see O'Brien's issues in Hard Times being more relatable for anyone who has spent any time in jail/prison.

It's interesting that the show never compared the Bajoran faith in the Prophets with the Vorta faith in the Founders. Both are religions based on real physical gods, which can actually do real physical things, & they both have a huge impact on the series' overarching plot. The two belief systems are nice foils for one

…Including one based on a space station with a lot of narrative arcs & a great war on the horizon…

The original contracts for the DS9 actors was only for 6 seasons, which is how Farrell slipped away to do Becker. Everyone else stayed the course, but she likely saw the shows' ratings & was looking for more exposure.

Even during sex, he just won't shut up…

Oh, dear god, you're right. It was that bland!

Wow, you know your Voyager, good sir. It's mostly a beige blur to me.

It's interesting to note, then, that Mulgrew WASN'T originally cast as Janeway. She was brought in when the actress originally cast in the part flaked & quit on the third day of shooting the pilot, IIRC. The show likely dodged a bullet there.

You had one job, table! One job!

Well, let's not forget that the great houses are hereditary lines, essentially. Which means that everybody on the council got there because of their ancestors. Ancestors who were quite likely the best & most ruthless warriors & warlords of their era, strong & brutal enough to found a great house of their own. Every

I think that it has a grain of truth, but has been corrupted by centuries if not millennia of distortion & manipulation. The Founders didn't need to give the Vorta any origin story at all, really, as they are hard-wired to love them unconditionally, so the fact that there is a story of their uplift at all suggests

We'll never know. And that's for the best.

Sean Bean lived through Accused! And Silent Hill (both of 'em)!

"I play Peter Griffin, a heroic warrior who defied the English to free England from the English!"

Originally a very FRENCH fairyland, at that.

Don't worry, you're not alone; that would have bugged the shit out of me.

At least Pontiac was a historical figure. And Indie was an explorer, of sorts…

Basically, Kor is a character that acts as a lens, through which we see other characters in a new light or in more detail, like all great supporting characters. He did that for Kirk, for Worf, & for Martok, & we are richer for having known him. The Dahar Master hoists his cup in Sto-vo-kor; may we all be so lucky.

It deftly shows how non-humans can contribute to the Federation, adding their biological & cultural distinctiveness to the collective. Nog wants to be in Starfleet, to serve & excel, but he IS a Ferengi, & those two things don't need to be in conflict. I appreciate the fact that the writers never made him choose