Zeta Kai

Oh, I'm ready & willing to heap shit upon the doorstep of Voyager's writers' room for the squandered opportunities & wasted potential of that show. Anytime, let's go…

Andrew Robinson resisted attempts to make Garak a regular, Martok works best as a guest, & Damar is always stuck by necessity on Cardassia. And they're all dudes, which wasn't what the producers wanted to cool down their sausage-fest. Ezri would have been a great two-episode guest, to wrap things up, & then she's off

Link or it didn't happen. ;P

It has taken some time for the innovations of series like Lost, The Sopranos, & The Wire to spread through the television industry. Hell, those shows were likely inspired by the serialization of Babylon 5, which was several years prior. Television as a medium has really evolved dramatically over the past 15 years, in

Hint: You can always tell if a Cardassian is constipated or not by the color of their spoon. At least if you can see in infrared…

It's a shame that it gets crammed into an already-overstuffed final season. That kind of character development needs room to grow more naturally.

Yes, they did. They knew it before the episode where Jadzia & Worf go on that mission behind Dominion lines that almost gets her killed (Change of Heart, FTR). Farrell even asked to be killed in that episode! Ezri could have been introduced an episode or two before, as some symbiosis initiate that Jadzia was mentoring

Why? Nobody else did. Zing!

I really liked De Boer's portrayal of the character, & not just because she was cute as buttons. I'd blame the writers (as I often do) for the problems with Ezri. The narrative structure of the entire season was shaky, their approach to getting her up to speed on the show was mishandled, their shipping of Ezri with

I was thinking of Jeri Ryan (as I often do, for no particular reason) after I read your first sentence, & then you mentioned her yourself. Exactly right idea. I'd bet that she could have pulled off the disorientation & borderline-MPD aspects of the Ezri character rather well.

Yeah, in the six years we spent with Jadzia, we saw her without Dax only once, for one brief scene, in that one episode where the symbiont was stolen by some random asshole (Invasive Procedures, FTR). She just shook, told Bashir that she was scared, & got put into stasis or some crap. It was a golden opportunity to

Dr. Crusher did go head up Starfleet Medical while Pulaski was around, so she had to have some chops. But I wouldn't doubt that Picard asked for her specifically to join him on the Enterprise, even if she brought her little brat along for the ride.

I thought Georgi was a really good engineer… for his type of engineering. He was by-the-book to a fault, & a bit removed from the hands-on, nitty-gritty, "roll up your sleeves & bang the conduit with a wrench" kind of engineering, but he was well suited to the Enterprises engines. The 1701-D's tech was very

Yeah, but she "missed six inches" of Picard…

I disagree. You should stick it in ONCE, & only once. Just to see what it's like. You'll never forget it, even if you regret it.

I miss Frakes. He was a fiend, a rake, & a bastard, but he was OUR fiend/rake/bastard.

I thought it was the other way around…

Yeah, we only ever see the Ferengi shuttle, which is frankly quite lame-looking, especially in comparison to the Marauder.

I like the idea that Riker/Frakes is the one who is relating these outlandish stories in order to get his "William Thomas" wet. I mean, come on, even if it were plausible that all these ship-destroying crises happened to the same crew, the frequency of their peril is just absurd. I prefer to believe that the entire

I could see a sect of Trill that might reject the whole idea of symbiosis, seeing the symionts as invasive parasites that subsume/supersede the personalities of their hosts.