Zeta Kai

See, some history of their culture would have been very helpful for the producers to have worked into the show, so that the audience could believe in the veracity of the Trills as a fully-functional species, & not just another flat mirror held up to humanity for narrative purposes (they could be that, too, but the

Yeah, the creepy thing is the unspoken supremacy that the symbionts have over the hosts. Whenever the topic of symbionts comes up in the series, it is implicitly assumed that the life of the symbiont is, without a doubt, more important than the life of the host. The dialogue & plotting makes no sense if their lives

It is, in fact, not clear if the Trills are a part of the UFP. Even Memory Alpha has a debate about it. It's just one of the many, many ways in which the Trek writers dropped the ball on their world-building.

"Yeah, just watch this 10-minute training video, 'So Your Getting Conjoined: A Trill's Guide to Symbionts & the Death of Your Unique Personality'. It should address at least some of your concerns & help calm your rising existential panic. Report to Sick Bay when your done; I'm gonna go sharpen my tummy saw."


My gagh crawled away. That's okay, though, 'cause it made me gag…

No, that would have made him actually interesting. Voyager producers had a moratorium on that sort of thing.

Huh. I never thought of them like that. I'd always just assumed that the gut slugs were long-lived sentient beings in their own right, & they just body-jumped when their hosts wore out. It kinda blows my mind that one could interpret them as non-sentient organic memory storage devices, & it's weird that I can't think

Which would have been great, because the way for her death to have gone down in that episode would have been for Worf to make the opposite choice. He would have chosen to make the rendezvous with the Cardassian informant, & it would have cost Jadzia her life. Her death would have been his fault. He would have no one

But just as offensive.

That was just blatant fancervix. "Tonight! The entire crew spends decades Inside! Kira!" Did everyone HAVE to come out covered in biomimetic gel? With that slimy "plop!" sound effect? After that, Kira coulda fit the Defiant in there…

"You know, fellow time-aliens, I was/am/will-be thinking. We really need a Sisko around here, to handle the sort of linear things that we can't be bothered to contemplate sequentially. Let's make one of those, okay?"

Yeah, now that you mention it, he did a lot of his thinking with his lil' Dukat. It fits his character's psychology, though; he was a narcissist, so he was constantly seeking self-gratification, & he desperately sought the approval & admiration of those around him. It doesn't really surprise me that he would have been

The Denorios Belt was basically the Asteroid Belt of the Bajor system, dividing the inner planets from the outer ones. Being within the Bajor system, it was seconds away for anyone with warp drive.

I don't see how the existence of symbionts would make Trill religion less interesting. If anything, I'd say that theology would be much more complicated with nigh-immortal gut slugs squirming about. What does it say about the existence/nature of the soul, when to have symbionts making virtual copies of host

Four Cardassian voles!

I liked the one where there was a shuttle accident & Kira had to hold the transporter buffer patterns of the entire cast inside her until Bashir (who was also inside of her) could jerry-rig a holosuite program to get them out.

But he was (SPOILERS!) an Evil Charlatan Wizard who was impregnating his followers, which was still a nice bit of nuance. The later stuff was too one-note for my taste, & apparently the tastes of many others, as well.

Forgive me, I did not mean to impugn your character. I was merely complementing a fellow patron of this establishment for their astute observations, while simultaneously making a barbed comment in an attempt to flirt in the Cardassian manner. Please take no offense, unless becoming offended is a standard part of your

I meant "Cha'Ough", but thank you kindly anyway.