Zeta Kai

I'd prefer a fresh egg-blood, but I'll take the kanar & thank you most kindly. And I was always amused that the Enterprise had a Bolian barber.

Bashir was pretty pale for a British Arab, but your point still stands.

Let's not start that fight, if we can avoid it. This is a peaceful federation here, dedicated to exploration, cooperation, & self-improvement. And snark. Lots of snark.

Don't think that I wasn't aware of the possibility for confusion when I typed it. It's just that bad that I can't bear to render its name in full.

I like a fresh egg-blood myself. But only fresh; it's not very good once it's congealed.

I like the episode in season 7 (SPOILERS) when he first gets that Pah Wraith cult on Empok Nor. He should've died then, so I wouldn't have to think about him & Kai Winn bumping uglies…

Doent bee sow pidantik. Itt dozint reely matre. Inglesh iz wat yoo mayk uv it.

But that would involve time travel, & Star Trek does NOT need more time travel…

Worked for Denise Crosby!

I was going to make that exact point, but now I have a better one. It only makes sense for the Federation to exert control over DS9 at this point in time. There's a war going on out there, with an enemy whose fleet just invaded the quadrant by flying out of THIS STAR SYSTEM, so the Federation is sure as hell gonna

I'd do Boer. Yeah, I said it.

Well, the Smallville one had precedent, at least. Alan Moore had Luthor possessed by Brainiac in "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?"

That's like the third time in this thread that the retirement joke has been made, but I chuckle every time. You get bonus points for the McBain reference.

A cogent analysis, EliHawk. Since, that waitress isn't here with a drink for you, may I offer you a sip of my egg-blood? It hasn't congealed yet, so it's quite good, I assure you.

As I've said before, that is probably asking for too much from a show made in the 1990s. Television programs just didn't have continuity of that sort back then. Babylon 5 was revolutionary & ahead-of-its-time, & DS9 was experimenting with serialization, but still largely episodic in nature. It would be years before

I agree that Jadzia should have died in "Change of Heart". That would've been much better, & it would have given some of the plotting in ToTP some room to breathe.

Trill theology would have been a fascinating thing to explore in the show, but alas, they had to cut it in favor of another Vic song.

Well, once you've raped a land, you don't ever forget it. And it doesn't forget you, either…

"…an ongoing security risk of staggering proportions."

"Thanks for poofing away that Jem'Hadar invasion fleet from the Gamma Quadrant, guys, now stay in FaerieLand & let us pretend that you're just a Bajoran superstition."