Zeta Kai

Also, it's weird that Dax would just spontaneously decide to hang out in the Bajoran temple. I mean, she's not a terribly spiritual person, the Prophets are not really watching over the Trill, & Kira's not around to suggest that she go pray there. The whole situation just screams "we need Dax to be in Dukat's way, so

Two-fer minority for the win!

How DOES one pronounce that?!?

Dentist? Botanist? Janitor?

She could've taken some screentime away from Vic; I'd've been fine with that.

Troi was a terrible councilor! They only show her doing her actual job, like, two or three times, & she was horrible at it. Sure, once her mind was affected by some magic alien bullshit, but for the other times, she just sucked. She usually gave bad advice, & her empathic powers were never put to good use in-session.

Not to mention that Ezri (who I liked, for the record) didn't give Sisko any council whatsoever, to the best of my knowledge. He was in a tailspin of doubt here, & throughout the next year, he got jack squat from her as far as advice went. Hell, I think he might have needed to talk her down once or twice. Starfleet

Okay, that "no human women" thing is a rather flimsy technicality. Kira is Bajoran, & other than the nose ridges, they seem to be completely human in every aspect except their culture (which is fine, BTW). Also, Dax (pick one) is a Trill, who seem to be basically humans who share a homeworld with some really smart gut


Data's death wasn't really a dramatic reason, it was more of the actor wanting out, like the others mentioned above. Spiner didn't feel that he could play an immortal android anymore, so he asked the Star Trek: N——-s writers to kill off his character.

That sounds like an awesome thing for Klingons to do. We don't see enough of their really nasty side. They've been defanged for too long (since early TNG), turning them into blustering teddy bears. I want them to be alien & scary, with honor completely replacing mercy in their hearts.


I thought that the Cardassian social convention was for males to flirt overtly, while females flirt via reverse psychology (IE contrariness)? It seems that I don't know their habits as well as I thought. And I just polished my basking stone in preparation for a flirtatious evening…

I'd whack it…

Dearest FCW, your free-flowing kanar bottles have loosened my tongues quite enough for one night. I must retire to my chrysalis, before I find myself contemplating inter-phylum mating options again. May your neck ridges never sag, my darling, & may your head-spoon always retain the blue flush of youth…

That would have really been interesting, & would have given Miles some more pathos in his character arc over the series. Keiko is obviously unhappy on the station, & they don't often get along, so them separating would have been a logical conclusion. They might love each other, but they don't like each other overly

Yeah, he's a good actor, but his best role seems to be "playing himself as not a maniac".

Ah, you see, that kinda stuff would have made for a compelling hour or two of televised drama, & Voyager couldn't be arsed to try anything like that…

I'd be curious to see a tally of how many episodes of Voyager never officially happened. That series had a really bad habit of hitting the reset button at the end of an episode, so that the entire previous 40 minutes never was. Even some of their best episodes, like "Timeless", "Year of Hell 1&2", & "Course: Oblivion"

He did; the Yggdrasil from the Hyperion Cantos. She was a fine tree, er, I mean ship.