Zeta Kai

No wonder he's still a non-comm. He'll never make officer with that kind of baggage. Now, if he went full batshit-crazy, he could be an admiral in a month. The Federation loves a whacko admiral like nothing else.

And that was during the supposed-embargo that Gene Roddenberry had placed on references to TOS on TNG. It was ostensibly limited so that TNG could develop into its own show, but The Naked Now proves that the writers weren't always on-board with that philosophy.

"Orion Slave Girls in Trouble!"

I, for one, find a warm flat basking rock to an essential part of any decent brood nest. Some non-oviparous species may find that birthing on a sun-baked stone to be uncomfortable, & perhaps even harmful to their carapace, but those soft meatlings are weak, & will one day be ground into the dust beneath the weight of

There's nothing wrong with a little fanservice, especially if it helps advance the plot of a story. And the Star Trek franchise could use that kind of acknowledgement of past events. It sure beats the pandering decon-gel-rubbing-scene kind of fanservice that we have been getting.

For the record, I like the name Molly. I even named a cat Molly, although I named it after a place in the book Logan's Run (the underwater facility MOLLU: Multi-Operational Lower Life Unit, nicknamed "Molly") that I had recently read & found fitting for the cate in question. So I tend to have a circumstance bonus to

Yeah, that final suicide bombing part seemed like a Plan B sort of thing. The Founders are very keen of their own self-preservation, as well as the protection of an other parts of their collective. Getting back their wayward drops, like Odo, is more important than the pacification/subjugation of the entire Alpha

Those episode titles were flagrant false advertising…

They do say at some point in the episode that her ship was out on some long-term surveying mission in the Beta Quadrant (hey, that's like, the 3rd or 4th acknowledgement in the entire franchise that the Beta Quadrant exists). They couldn't find out any more info about her ship to learn the truth until it was too late.

I just wanna say, for the record, that Debra Wilson is hot. Seriously, go Google her if you don't know her already. She's funny, cool, & very hot. That is all.

I would watch that show…

Yeah, I see the many obvious flaws with Time's Orphan, but the weepy sentimental parent in me tends not to care about the petty concerns of logic & quality. I know it's a trite, calculated mess of writer's-room compromises, but it still makes me cry to think of poor doomed Molly, all alone in the woods on a faraway

And thus, a squicky slash-fic was born…

That kinda stuff is very useful for these forums. Not everyone grew up in the proper time/place to understand all the references & contexts, & without that, those little inside jokes keep us all separated into cliques of our own making. It's better to have someone explain the joke every once in a while, that we may


If random ensigns were that smart, they wouldn't eagerly volunteer for away missions with the main cast at the beginning of every episode.

That… would actually have been pretty cool. Gut-wrenching, sure, but that's kinda what the writers were going for here, so hell, go for broke.

Well, that's what Odo basically IS: an autonomous cast-off from the Great Link. The Female Changeling explained that way back in like season 3: to join with the Great Link is like the Drop becoming the Ocean; to separate from it is the Ocean becoming the Drop. The Founders are effectively a single entity that can

Cthulhu ftagn! What a wonderful phrase.
Cthulhu ftagn! Ain't no passin' craze…
It means "no sanity for the rest of your days!"
It's our normal-free philosophy!
Cthulhu ftagn!

He did?!? Whoa…