I rather like it, as well. As a parent of a small child, that episode hit me right in the parenticles. Now I have a soft heart & a hard lump in my throat just thinking about it. Excuse me…
I rather like it, as well. As a parent of a small child, that episode hit me right in the parenticles. Now I have a soft heart & a hard lump in my throat just thinking about it. Excuse me…
I dunno about Great, but it could have elevated the episode to the Merely Forgettable echelon.
Meridian was worse, by far, IMO. That episode wiped its ass with Dax's character.
Voyager also had a Kazon suicide bomber. Hmmm…
Guinan was cool with it, but then again, Guinan is cool with anything that isn't Borg. But Picard would probably get annoyed by everyone staring at him all the time.
Even the Klingons know that pinkie position is very important etiquette.
Barney Miller was a great show… except the one where the woman comes in & complains that her husband raped her, & she gets laughed out of the station. That was… wrong.
If you don't like exploding consoles killing crewmen, then Star Trek may not be for you.
"Clean up on Holodeck 3!"
I would argue that Carol Marcus being a sexist characterization in STID is simply not true. Other than THAT scene, she's a perfectly functional female character, which realistic & believable motivations & reactions. She's cunning, resourceful, intelligent, & almost succeeds in talking down the movie's real villain.…
If I were Zach, I couldn't be arsed to fix the grammar for this review, either.
My wife refuses to watch Badda Bing Badda Bang. We watch every other episode of the series, in order, in a slow DVD binge, but she got Vic Overload & couldn't deal.
That would have required Voyager's creators to have a full sack between 'em…
They did the Spock's Brain thing to that Vorta asshole on Empok Nor. It's a proven procedure.
Is it supposed to be sexy when you strip off a skirt, & there's just another skirt underneath.
Yeah, & that's especially bad, considering the rape-friendly culture that Yar grew up in / ran light years away from.
He would do it, too. He would do anything…
I always assumed that it was a stage name, like when strippers/porn-stars/phone-sex-operators/et-cetera choose "sexy" names like Kandi, Sinnamon, Lexxxi, & whatnot. She's just probably choosing an appealing name for a dabo girl, while her real name is like Lurnal or something.
Lisa needs braces!
At the risk of invoking the wrath of the Internet…