"My wife is a phenomenal chef. She made a plate of cookies!"
"My wife is a phenomenal chef. She made a plate of cookies!"
Fuel for a thousand slash-fics…
Shakaar was a deeply mishandled character all around. First, he was Kira's old commander, Mr. Tough-As-Nail-But-Past-His-Prime, with no romantic tones of any kind. Then, in the next episode where he shows up, it's all lovey-dovey crap out of left field, just to break Odo's hydraulic pump.
You just wanna laugh & throw tomatoes!
I see what you did there. And I get Freudian whenever I stare at a Cardassian lady's spoon…
It's rarely an appropriate thing to say. Which is why I say it all the time.
Student loans have funded worse things, my friend.
Well, Jake has been a bit of a toolbag since "The Visitor".
"Angel One" is offensively bad. "Threshold" is nauseatingly bad. "One Night in Sickbay" is criminally bad. "Profit & Lace" is just plain shitty.
Well, Quark was getting paid to not kill his customers. Dead folks are bad for business. The Federation's post-scarcity "economy" does have its downsides, chiefly the lack of incentive to keep people alive. Those exploding consoles make a lot more sense when you entertain the possibility that the Federation just…
I still think that was the writers trolling the audience.
Morn bitches all day to Quark. Can't shut the guy up for a second.
I prefer Slug-o-Cola Clear. I can't see the boogers in it as well.
Congratulations! You gave a shit more than the writers! Have a cookie, on the house!
That's pretty good, sir. And I would buy a book by an author named Penis Van Lesbian just to have it on my shelf.
"I'd call her a better version of Kira"
That. Didn't. Happen.
NASA should make that their new motto. They could fund a moon base with that tagline.
Which was Rosalind Chao's finest acting. I loved her Stepford Wives routine in that episode.
But don't you serve that same fish juice to those you praise?