
She's actually asking a pension of 4.000€/months for her period at the Parlamento.

It's an old joke.

I always won lots of japanese guys saying "nande nande nandeyaden" or "okini", but the obaasan looked really bad at me.

I can't find it funny; she's often too gross.

I liked that too, and still sing the theme.

It was already covered by the perpetual motion machine.

Dear Ryan,


Yep, that's the name. I was remembering "DonKi" as I've always called it, but my mind slipped.

You can buy it in any japanese DonKing for really cheap. I got a couple for my friends and still they won't believe me.

It's not on the eyes that hurts the most.......

Sorry, can't change my Thor ringtone.

Don't know the receipe, but still my favourite Curry

I've learned how to make it watching a One Piece episode. After all, Sanji is a hell of a chef!

I always carry with me my Stonehenge watch. It'so bronze age!

As for diplomacy, I propose wet fart.

Borg would be great too. Instead of talking they would assimilate my device and repair it.

Now playing

And now I have to search my sid & famicom sountracks collection.