
The italian version is a shame.

Yes, I am, or else i'd be kicked out of the OR.

I've laugh so much that i've threw up a little.

The pied-de-poule is spreading...

So, it's fingers crossed for those who believe, and legs crossed for the rest.

Just saw Single Ladies and it's terrible. I was hoping was something nice to get through summer but it's just meh.

I got a name from a videogame or a Sephen King monster. How smart am i ?

There's still Bad Blood with the vampire with ocd.

Humbug 2x20.

Lots are missing!

And she loves ufo,magnetic bracelets, crystals and mood rings... she's a sucker for all that stuff!

How can he say "I wanted to be an actor since I adore DeNiro..." and then call Clooney the best?

I'd like to have an off-line navigator on my htc desire with android, like the maps on nokia phones that are for free.

I think Arnie share some tastes with Sir Mix-A-Lot.

I thought it was all settled with Jenna Maroney and her Jackie Jormp-Jomp.

That's perfect!

It looks like a mix of Clamps, Berserk and The Immortal.

My love for Feynman hasn't change a bit.

You, sir, are a very nice person.

Sith Apprentice. Beware of Darth Zeta.