
I agree that Julia Fox seems young to publish an actual memoir, but I doubt many of us haven’t had some things to write about by the time we’re 33. I’m sure her story doesn’t begin and end with Kanye. Why so mean? Everything I’ve read about her makes her seem kind of fun.

Brand has always struck me as a raging douche. The way he left her says it all. I’m sure she’s forgotten all about him. She’s been with Orlando Bloom for so long I always forget the was married to this clown…until he brings it up again. And again.

But does any of that translate to actual, substantive sales for the seller? I totally believe you because there are plenty of people who will agree to giving away free shit, but it still sounds predatory and cheap.

The 24-year-old responded, “i wouldn’t touch you with a 10 ten foot pole if you paid me a million dollars.”

The concept that an action can be *intended* to be joke AND still be sexual assault will just never compute for many folks.

“I hope you get raped by cops and are forced to carry the rape baby and die giving birth, misandrist.”

Is it just me or do we get a new long form recontextualization of Lana Del Rey about once a year on Jezebel dot Com? 

Then you’re going to have a near-death experience every time you click on a post on Jez.  Thoughts and prayers!

I think a lot of the lack of stuff at thrift stores has more to do with fast fashion than resellers too. I used to work at a thrift store, and we’d get tons of 30-40 year old clothes from affordable brands that were still hanging on. Stuff from HM or Zara is probably not going to be wearable in 4 years, let alone 40.

I don’t mind this when it’s going to garage sales where people are trying to get things out of their house and you’re paying them the price they agreed to for it, then doing the hustling of taking pics and listing it online to get more money.

I’m old enough to have seen Genesis live when Phil was still drumming and while it may have also been my first sober concert, it was also one of the most memorable. So, so incredibly good.

I grew up watching Diane Keaton in movies, and I always thought she was a brilliant actor who really imbued her characters with intelligence and naturalness. But in The First Wives Club she just seemed to be shrieking all the time. I had to turn it off. Sally Field might actually have been preferable.

Now playing

I can think of one precedent. The infamous Home episode of The X-Files (s04e02) incorporated the Johnny Mathis song “Wonderful! Wonderful!” in a pretty violent scene. Mathis refused to let them use his version because of the graphic nature of the scene so the producers recorded a cover version with a singer that

Beyonce has always been and always will be a capitalist. If you thought she cared about social justice issues, it’s only because it was part of her “brand” that could make her money. It was never, ever because she cared. Being a feminist and anti-racist are a means to a very wealthy end for her. 

This goes along with my belief that Tig should be in everything.

I think I’ve just seen him in too many smarmy roles to believe him as Supes. I’d keep expecting him to shout “Huzzah!” and then heat-vision a bear.

Tig Notaro

I’m going to rang here. I worked in social work when I left University and I saw the impact of high-rise living amongst the population of my city. People think super-talls and high rise apartments are the way to go. It depends on where you’re living. In my city - Glasgow - we built dozens of high-rise apartment

For someone who claims to hate the tabloids, Harry has given them more fodder in the space of a month than they know what to do with.

It really doesn't.