
You were critical of what the guy said and how he said it. I’m not lowering the bar for the people of Alabama, I’m raising the bar for people like you.

The logic? Because they can. That’s what authoritarian leaders do. They often exert power simply to remind you that they can.

or “cluster of parasitic-like cells” has a nice ring to it.

You could try an organized day-long boycott, either refusing to use your internet for a day or even cancelling your service en-masse in a single day over net neutrality issues only to resubscribe a day later.

Not really. Have you tried calling customer “support”? The ISPs really don’t give a fuck because they don’t have to because you don’t have any alternatives.

And how many options for ISPs do you have? Exactly, 1. If you have more than 1 you are in a tiny minority. Net neutrality doesn’t change the oligopoly structure and it certainly doesn’t cause it. Quite the opposite. The lack of choice is why net neutrality is so important. If there was healthy competition, net

The upside for them is more money. Plain and simple. They need no other reason.

Wait, so you feel the people of Alabama are beneath you and to feel superior, you’re insulting the guy they just elected as a senator, who by pretty much all measures is a decent stand-up guy?

The man is barely literate. You think he can read something that complex? It’s far too coherent and he didn’t offend anyone. He only said big once (and even spelled it correctly). It has punctuation and even spaces. No way he ever touched it, saw it, or had any part of that tweet in any way.

Only 90%? Have you been living under a rock the last 2 years?

Yeah, fuck him and his optimism. Why isn’t he more of a dick? The country really needs more assholes in congress.

My guess is he will throw Moore under the bus calling him a loser and deny that he ever supported him. That or he will say Moore lost because he wasn’t more like Trump.

By all means, run close on every election Alabama from now on. No election has been close for decades there. The fact that it was close was a huge victory. Actually winning is even bigger.

takes us through the process of installing a flush-mount USB port in a Miata

hahaha. you think we’re going to have a functional society in 40 years. that’s so cute.

GOP’s plan: screw them over before they can vote to make them so jaded they never will vote.

The walls are closing in on them and they know it.

whether or not the reviews are littered with fake spam reviews.

~5% failure rate is unacceptably high

Is anyone honestly surprised?