I’ll just leave this here.
I’ll just leave this here.
Not only are they American citizens and deserve respect. They are simply human beings and deserve respect.
There are a few disadvantages to the built in french press mugs. Unless you drink it really fast, it over brews because the liquid is still in contact with the grinds. This gives you a starbucks quality cup of coffee and I don’t mean that as a compliment.
There are a few disadvantages to the built in french press mugs. Unless you drink it really fast, it over brews…
a simple pour over has fewer parts, is lighter and even easier to clean and pack than an aeropress.
a simple pour over has fewer parts, is lighter and even easier to clean and pack than an aeropress.
It’s a very different brew method, more akin to a pour over so not a similar idea but a good choice. It’s light, durable, simple and packable.
It’s a very different brew method, more akin to a pour over so not a similar idea but a good choice. It’s light,…
I’ve brought my aeropress on trips. I bought a hand grinder that was designed specifically to fit in the hollow of the press part which makes it pretty compact for travel. That’s kinda where the concept stops working though. I then have the filter cap, the grinder crank, and the filters that need to be packed…
I’ve brought my aeropress on trips. I bought a hand grinder that was designed specifically to fit in the hollow of…
Perhaps the author is approaching the question with an open mind and attempting to present the benefits and risks in an unbiased way?
I seriously doubt he has any idea they are US citizens. Fuck, he doesn’t even know people born in Hawaii are US citizens and that’s an actual state and they can vote.
Weed has no side effects? even the most hardcore potheads will acknowledge it makes a lot of people super anxious and paranoid.
that’s not a side effect, that’s the intended effect.
Homeopathic products will say no side effects because they don’t have to go through any clinical studies where potential side effects would be found.
Anecdotal and appeal to nature fallacies are still very prevalent in society I see. Love the dash of conspiracy theory you threw there in the end. Well done.
That’s assuming the vitamin c was taken for a cold. Yeah, not effective. But if you have scurvy? Pretty damn effective.
The only correlation that might be drawn from the volume of side effects is it tells you something about how big the clinical trials are. More testers or a longer study will almost always yield more reported possible side effects. It’s due to the requirement to report everything.
There are a few exceptions but, yeah pretty much it’s a list of every single thing every person reported across every clinical.
It’s required to list every single thing that every single person reported during the trials. Pretty much the only exceptions are when the person experiences those things on a regular basis. Most of the time, they are self reported possible side effects with no context to the severity, correlation, or probability.
No, not “almost everything homeopathic”. Everything homeopathic is a scam. You don’t need the “almost”
Granted, editors write headlines but the article aligns with it strongly.
You misunderstood my point. I never claimed it wasn’t a problem.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that activism is ineffective. On Monday, two more senators hopped on the single payer bandwagon — bringing the total number of Democratic senators who have announced their intention to co-sponsor Senator Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-all bill to seven.