“pork golem” has now been incorporated into my vernacular and will be used liberally.
“pork golem” has now been incorporated into my vernacular and will be used liberally.
To summarize:
You know what I have to say to that?
And of course there will be outrage and pearl-clutching at such vulgarity unbecoming of a former president, because he didn’t phrase things respectfully. You know, things like “I moved on her like a bitch,” “grab her by the pussy,” etc. The speech of a true gentleman.
We now know what will dominate the news cycle for the next year and a half on Fox News. I mean really we know The GOP and their media machine, Fox News, practice and specialize in racial resentment but these comments are red meat to their inbread, meth inhaling, Toby Keith worshiping, Roll Tide, jeans wearing to…
Let’s not elevate Cruz to the level of a fat wolverine (x-men or otherwise). Either form of a pudgy wolverine would be 100 times better than Ted. And more useful.
This means that President Obama has not said anything different that the majority of the population has not already said (including many Republicans that know Trump has fucked them up but don’t know what to do about it).
Reports are that Obama also said the sky was blue, and you shouldn’t look directly into the sun.
No lies detected.
I have daughters, 5 and 10. I don’t swear around them, and I don’t want them swearing either (or at least I want them to keep it to a minimum). Reading John Boyega post “I really fucking hate racists.” makes him seem like an even better role model (although honestly, I prefer them to find role models in the people…
This was all that good. I have a desktop, and rarely do video (...and otherwise should probably be shot, humanely), but that, with all the Ph.D.s and shit, needed to be the best part.
How do you boil a frog? By slowly turning up the heat. That analogy comes to mind when I read this.
God damn..... LIKE even money can’t buy protection.
Yep. Real Jesus couldn’t get past the travel ban, but we’re a Christian nation according to idiots.
*adds chucklefuck to dictionary*
The irony is that there’s a 500% chance this little chucklefuck and his mother think athletes are unpatriotic if they take a knee.