And Black people still need to hold up the social, emotional, and mental tent for white people —to this extent, (and) while shit like this is happening. (When they called this one “Ida,” can anyone hear how tone-deaf that was?)
And Black people still need to hold up the social, emotional, and mental tent for white people —to this extent, (and) while shit like this is happening. (When they called this one “Ida,” can anyone hear how tone-deaf that was?)
...Except, Wait! Where’s “Pryor’s Place”?
...Except, Wait! Where’s “Pryor’s Place”?
Thank you. This is why, over time, you can’t rely on how the parties label themselves. As of 1860, the Democrats were pro-secession. ...Fast-forward to the Nixon administration onward, and Southern Democrats begin another Great Migration, to the Republican Party.
You are Already That Good.
(Using words they’re that proud of having learned, last week:)
I’ve been watching Democratic administrations, since Clinton if not Carter, try to clean up the prior administration’s mess. ...Guess what (wish you could stop me:)? they get bigger every time.
Former Punk-In-Chief.
Regarding the GOP (/GLOP /MASCA —Make America a Shithole Country Again) congressmen, it’s just,
What I need before anything is the way St. John describes how the world is already full of antichrists ...before he even gets to the book of Revelation (I John 2:18); and proceeds to describe what being anything else looks like (chapter 3, passim).
That much of white privilege is reducible to how (use your own expletive) Dumb-Ass these people can be without getting shot.
Remember that viral picture a couple of years ago, with Kanye and the Duck himself, pointing sideways at Kanye with this retarded grin on his face?
No, better to get hit by somebody’s compact, or shot by someone who can’t aim, and left to bleed out in the middle of the street.
“It’s often said that if Black people took up arms and marched through the streets, gun laws would get passed with the quickness.”
It’s getting that little bit easier to imagine that one day, our duly esteemed punk-in-chief gets a wardrobe to match his hair.
Peter Tosh, Equal Rights. You need this one. Where the slogan, No Justice, No Peace came from. Right, as of Rodney King.
God Bless you or that, and Not, that’s Not because I said so.
...Zechariah chapter 7, verses 7-14.
I’ll never forget what some very white evangelical said, talking to a crowd of same. Something like (this was maybe 30 years ago):
As far as felony charges, we could start with, threat with deadly force. Or, what the fuck, it’s America; in the absence of legal precedent, ‘reckless endangerment’ wcould be good enough. Either one would blow the lid (...maybe ‘rock’ is a more apt word) off of some shit.