zip zero nothing

It seems to be common sense. I am not made of stone—if my husband came to me and said “I’m not attracted to you any more, but I want to still live together and co-parent,” I would be sad. But then I would know, and I would be able to make an informed decision about what happens next, what is best for our child, etc. I

My original comment is the second comment in this whole thread, way up there at the top and it was exactly what I just said. You’re replying to a comment further down in the chain. I never changed my position.

Well that zero person was right, I am going to agree to disagree and move on.

Let’s try to clear this up even if the end result is we agree to disagree. I do not care if I am right or wrong, I am not trying to die on a hill for a quick comment I made and to which you seem to have taken great personal offense.

This is the post in question
“Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous

Yup. They can’t legally go out and kill someone, so they live vicariously through capital punishment.

Holy shit, Mississippi! You aren’t the last at something for once.

Agreed, completely. I’ve been really surprised by the vehemence over the hack here at Gawker.

Fair points.

I still can’t get my head around the degree that some people salivate over the idea of executing people. They can talk about “justice” as much as they like, but we all know they’re just getting off to it. It serves no practical purpose.

The disconnect here is that you’re arguing the point as though the opposition is arguing that cheating is “good” or “ok”...that isn’t the argument at all.

I'm genuinely surprised by the reaction the OP is getting this is truly disappointing.

i think the assumption that everyone that signed up on that site cheated is wrong i think you made some assumptions. sometimes people say what they mean but i have no dog in this fight you can both feel like youre right

That’s not the part I took issue with, it’s the reflexive vilification without an exploration of the circumstances that lead a person to make a particular decision.

Sure, but you haven’t really addressed the point gloria made other than asserting the Savage would think these men are dickbags rather than victims; the world isn’t that black and white, you can be a dickbag on one level and a victim on another, and one thing can inform the next. That’s the point, and failing to

Right. I feel like some people are being willfully obtuse on this one.

That’s how I read the post as well, which is why I said I was hoping this situation would open a larger dialog. But man people are defensive. I don’t see gloriaestefanwasright advocating for people to cheat or excusing their behavior.

Right and the anger exists because people are CONSTANTLY pressured into thinking they MUST be monogamous. So much so that they agree to it even when they don’t think they are capable. This is the start - it comes BEFORE the lie.

“Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships”, I think with only 3 zip codes in the entire US not having someone registered, there are lots of people who claim to be happy in monogamous relationships.

I’ve been thinking that it would be great if this opened a greater dialog on monogamy and relationships. I mean how many of these people are Christians who think that marriage is between one man and one woman? I am betting the number is pretty high. Clearly what we say, is not what we do.

See, this is why I hate tips. Because there’s this attitude that tipping (which is really just corporations finding a nifty way to pass wage costs off onto customers) means the server has to basically be their slave. The sheer entitlement of morons who claim that the standard of service would decrease if they didn’t