Old school values based on religion and morality = puritanical values and monogamy is one.
My claim was that these values are detrimental to society as a whole.
You clearly just want to be a miserable bastard so have at it.
Old school values based on religion and morality = puritanical values and monogamy is one.
My claim was that these values are detrimental to society as a whole.
You clearly just want to be a miserable bastard so have at it.
You’re really a piece of work. I don’t even see where she said you’re defending monogamy.
Leaps everywhere!
I didn’t specify monogamy but since adultery was punishable by death it’s definitely a puritanical value. Look up what the Puritans believed if you don’t believe me.
Her point is that just because a doctor is tall, it doesn’t mean all doctors are tall. I don’t really view what you said as you trying to assert a logical conclusion and I believe that’s the disconnect. I took it to mean you were saying that with the significant number of people on that site, there are probably a lot…
I think you’re right and that depresses me.
I’m thinking that with just the sheer percentage of women vs men, there couldn’t have been that many successful encounters.
THIS! While some of the advice he gives (The price of admission) he is really problematic. I guess the whole a broken clock is right twice a day is very accurate in regards to him.
This is how every relationship should be. That people feel so ashamed to want an open relationship or something out of the norm is a huge problem.
JFC you’re full of yourself. I can’t speak to what someone else said but you seem fine doing so. I am going to copypasta so there is no confusion,
This social construct we’ve created is really destructive. The puritanical values that the general population seems to claim to embrace, really don’t mesh well with reality.
It’s too bad that open marriages aren’t more accepted. Why people care what anyone else thinks of their marriage is silly. If people spent less time worrying about what other people are doing, this would be a much better world. It isn’t your relationship.