
Sure, it will probably work as long as the mixture isn't too terrible. But work well? With FI, as long as your sensors and injectors are good, the computer will give you an almost perfect mixture. With a carb, getting even a decent mixture can be difficult even if all of the components are brand new and working

Well, when you boil carburetors down to "using the engines natural vacuum to draw fuel", and make fuel injection sound that complicated, it sounds a lot different than reality. Carburetors (especially the kinds that were being put out at the end of the carb era) are pretty complicated mechanically, and difficult to

Whoa, how are carburetors simpler than fuel injection? Fuel injection is far simpler in my opinion, it's definitely KISS compared to carburetors. Far more reliable too.

Aw, that sucks. Fingers crossed that it hasn't been registered... I haven't played a Pokemon game since the Gameboy Color...

Where are you guys finding these? I'd really like to find one for my Xterra (2nd Gen).

What if I bought Mario Land used, and the person who bought it originally had it registered? Will I not be able to register it?

I have no idea if the price is good or not, all I know is that I have no interest in it.

Why should they bother putting in effort to research an applicant? It's an employer's market.

Is it just me, or do most of these articles boil down to "hiring managers want to do the bare minimum possible when looking at candidates. Absolutely anything that takes an extra second of their time will get your resume thrown in the trash."

1.5 tonnes?

It's a cool sleeper. But $15k? I can believe he has $15k in it, but that doesn't make it worth $15k.

We've used a tablet to fill that gap, but that would work too.

Of course they would. The reason he can't move is because he doesn't have locking diffs. One wheel (the one without traction) is getting all the power. With a locking diff, he'd get power to the other wheels. It's exactly the situation locking diffs are made for.

Yes. They're claiming the entire electrical system is going through that cigarette lighter, passes through a tiny resistor and tiny capacitor, then feeds clean voltage to the rest of the car.

Well, the style of this website is generally supposed to be entertaining (as opposed to like Consumer Reports or something, where they try to stick to unbiased facts). They usually use humor to achieve that. So the style is in keeping with Jalopnik's normal work. As far as how to handle this specific company, I think

Yup definitely regional. They're a dime a dozen in Denver. Back in Georgia, they were still somewhat common, but not nearly as much so.

I like it. Classic restored Japanese cars are starting to approach classic American cars in value. I'd say NP based on condition and rarity.

Haha, true! But to me that's great for fun stuff, but crappy looking case for small screwdrivers? Nah...

Yeah, LifeHacker and Gizmodo go nuts for Sugru for some reason. It's like PlayDoh for nerdy adults. Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool stuff and useful in a lot of situations. But in a lot of these, it would be cheaper and better to just buy whatever it is you're trying to duplicate.

Or wheelie all the way home like a bad ass.