
I disagree with the Kia Soul. A) the seats are terribly uncomfortable, B) it actually is fun to drive. Too much body roll of course, but otherwise the handling is good, the engine is very good for it's size, and the stock tranny and clutch feel good.

Check Denver, I see tons of them around here.

Anyone who works in engineering knows it's not one guy who is responsible for those ignition switches. A) There are always a number of engineers who sign off on any given design. B) Much of the time, none of them are the people who actually designed the thing.

To me it sounds like GM just needs someone to blame. Maybe

Every time I top that hill and see that view it takes my breath away.

You're kidding right? Making anything go 1000mph is a huge undertaking. A small team doing it on the ground is very impressive. Take 5 minutes looking at the engineering that goes into each and every part. If you don't find it impressive, it makes sad to think how utterly bored you must be with life.

You can, depending on it's setup. They won't let you run a vehicle that is in danger of rolling. So lowered trucks could be okay. There used to be a guy at the events I went to in Atlanta whose rig was registered as a '48 Jeep (if I remember correctly). Although all that remained of the original Jeep was basically the

But people latch on to that for very good reason. Finding correlation is really easy. Determining causation is much more difficult. I'd go as far as to say that the vast majority of the time correlation does not coincide with causation. With two correlated things, either one might be the cause, or the cause for both

Yup! I saw Rookies on the Rubicon on Expedition Portal a while back. Lots of awesome adventures on there. My favorite of all time was the couple that went through the Congo in an old Land Rover.

I've been watching it (although not the past couple of episodes), and have been somewhat disappointed with it. They spend so much time on paved roads and at restaurants and professional tours. I'm watching it to see overland off roading, but the episodes I saw weren't much more adventurous than an Anthony Bourdain

If a robot could program, that would be AI, and we have more serious problems to worry about.

From my experience in college towns, being a bartender is about being attractive.

Me too man. I remembering thinking that it was the future of gaming, and that all games would implement similar features. And yet, somehow I'm still playing games where you can't even shoot the soda cans off the tables...

That's surprising. When I flew to Dubai a couple of years ago, the airport was almost completely empty.

Holy hell that's an old comment you just replied too...

Same here. "Hmm... this feels pretty real! I wonder what would happen if I crashed into that brick wall at 100mph?"

I like the Samuri, but that money was wasted...

I like G-Wagons and all, but if your goal is a capable/durable off road SUV, you can do a lot better for $13k. In a reasonable world, this would be selling for half that, but their reputation has inflated their price.

Wait, what? You're halfway through the 2nd playthrough? I just beat the Dragonrider... I feel like I've barely scratched the surface, but the last 3 evenings playing pretty much from when I get home from work until I go to bed. I've probably played for like 9 or 10 hours so far.

Ha, yeah, I know what you mean. They're especially bad about it in the Middle East, which is what I was thinking off. Driving is crazy there.

I agree, but in a lot of countries minor bumps and dings are just shrugged off. People don't seem to care unless there is real damage.