
Interesting. The wheel base is 5" longer on the '07, but I think you're right that it's mostly the styling that makes it look so much bigger.

Huh. I've never looked at the dimensions, but visually they just look massive.

You think anything above $7k is too much for a clean Tundra with 75k miles? I think $10k is a reasonable price for 121k miles...

Harsh! I like Tundras... Although the current generation is way too big.

The T3 branding is kind of dumb, but it looks like a really clean truck for $10k. NP!

I know! Although "lazy" is more the key word. When I first tried Netflix streaming, the selection was terrible and it was a pain to install on your PC. So I didn't use it for a while. Then all the set top boxes started coming out with Netflix on them, and that changed everything.

Yeah, that seems pretty tame to me. I've heard of local politicians saying far, far worse than that behind closed doors.

Oh yeah, no doubt. I was just taken aback by how common it was in the South. I've had people make racist comments to me in groceries stores and shit (about someone else), just because I happen to also be white. I think that illustrates how common it is, because apparently they're comfortable just assuming anyone who

Assuming you mean Portland, OR, that's just not true. I've lived in California, Colorado, and Georgia. And despite the claims of most Southerners, racism was far, far more common there. Both overt and veiled.

The "cheap" thing really gets me. Apparently you're only allowed to use the gun/character/skill/whatever that they deem acceptable. Of course, whatever they decide to use is always okay. But when you use the gun you find effective, it's "cheap."

This one drive me nuts.

And if they're losing, it's never because the other person was better. It was because they were camping, or hacking, or there was lag, or Black Ops II was way better and Ghosts is shit, etc. But then if they're winning, they're perfectly happy to give all the credit to their own skill.

Or worse, just blasting music in the background the entire time. The only reason I can think of for people doing that, is that they want to play DJ and show off their music tastes or some bullshit. It's so irritating.

Yeah, I scanned my right thumb twice so that pretty much always works great.

This isn't an issue for me, and I have pretty much constantly sweaty hands (hyperhidrosis).

That's what I was thinking. I don't think I've watched Netflix on a PC since sometime around 2008.

They may not be exactly equal, but they're both so atrocious that comparing them doesn't really seem important. It's like saying which is worse: killing 20 babies, or 30 toddlers?! Who cares, they're both crazy fucked up.

Exactly! From these arguments, you'd think the Civil War was the only thing that ever happened in the South.

A) do you have statistics to back that up?

Thank you! I noticed the same thing when I lived in Georgia. It was incredibly common.