
What are you supposed to do with your extra set of wheels/tires if you live in an apartment? I'm not necessarily opposed to snow tires (although I'm not sure they're necessary in Denver), but unless you have a garage where are you supposed to store them?

I've never heard of someone using a Uhaul for vacation or anything like that. Some people have popup/campers (caravans?), but I think that's commonplace there too. I'm guessing using trailers for moving is more common here because of the distance. For instance, I just moved from Atlanta to Denver and that was a 1,500

I agree. I also can't stand how asking about salary is almost a taboo question. What is the purpose of everyone trying to pretend that that isn't the single most import factor? Yet it's almost like we're doing something wrong if we ask.

1990 was the best year, of course. I think maybe you're just blinded by jealousy and can't see that? For posterity, you should probably buy one of each year just to be sure.

Wow, I'm really surprised there are that many around! Are they all the Model S? That's 90% of what I see around here, there are only a few Roadsters around.

They are not. According to the comment from another guy, they only ever have a flat-4 connector.

I rented a Penske (27' foot or something, largest they had) for my move from Georgia to Colorado. It was a disaster. The truck seemed nice and relatively new, but a list of issues I had:

Where do you live? I hadn't really thought of it as "cultural", how else would you move stuff too big for your car without having to rent a moving truck?

How tall? Under 6'4" you should be fine, a little taller would probably still be okay as long as you don't have a super long torso or something.

In Atlanta? I'm surprised. Maybe they started selling like hot cakes after I moved, or maybe I was just hanging out in the wrong parts of town when I lived there. I don't remember ever seeing one. Surprisingly I used to see a couple Fiskers every now and then way up 575 near Canton. I always thought it was a strange

I wasn't sure how that worked. I guess assumed the manufacturer covered any damages to press vehicles. I thought they kind just wrote off a handful of each model to be used for things like this, knowing some would get damaged.

Is it getting redesigned, or will it be gone completely? That seems odd if they're getting rid of it entirely, those things are super popular.


I would like to do all of these tests, mostly because the best car to take off road is someone else's car. I'm usually somewhat paranoid about breaking mine.

I think the Xterra Pro-4X stock fording depth is 24", so 23" on this VW seems pretty impressive to me. Obviously a "real" modified trail rig would be much better, but for stock vehicle like this? That's pretty good.

I used to ride my ZX-6R on fire roads for fun. So I agree that dirt/gravel roads don't constitute "off road." However, I disagree that low range is an absolute necessity for off roading. The only time I can think of ever actually needing low range was one time in my Wagoneer, but that's because that thing weighed more

Oh man, I've always loved those!

I was thinking the same thing. I was in snow up to my Xterra's bumpers this past weekend, and I wasn't sure exactly what to do... It was still moving fine, but was I supposed to just plow the snow with the stock plastic bumper? I didn't know, so I turned around in shame. :(

Shit... now I want to buy another Miata you asshole.

Under $1k is a tall order, the NAs are increasing in value now.