
Yes. Sex between two consenting adult peers may be a scandal. An underaged teen is statutory rape. A sex worker and a cop is holy shit, pretty dang fucked up situational authority issue. Many cops and an underaged sex worker, jesus, please don’t call this a “scandal.”

It’s be cool if instead of accepting the status quo, we did things like demand that U.S. service women have access to abortion in U.S. military hospitals overseas.

No, we can say to our lawmakers today, things like, “You’re going to draft women, you sure as fuck better provide abortion services on overseas bases. NOW.” You want us to wait 30 more fucking years for this shit?

And jesus, it’s not just the numbers. It’s what the military as an organization does to victims of rape, and what they Don’t do for victims of rape. Change that shit first. An American woman should not be Forced to go to a place where she can’t even get an abortion if she’s raped. The military hospital on base won’t

I also wouldn’t force an individual child to integrate a school against their will. I would applaud those brave enough to take the risk, but not force those who knew it was not their time.

Reduce the women? Of course not. Fix the system before you Force the women.

Sure. I’m saying this Looks like a cool “equality” measure, but the risks are not equal. People are saying that women should take on this responsibility “just like men,” have, but women take on greater risk when they join the service (risk FROM their co-workers, and the chain of command, not from the job itself), and

Hey, d’ya know that if you’re a female service member and you’re raped on the overseas base that you were sent to, that can’t get an abortion if the country you’re in doesn’t allow it? The military hospital on base won’t do it for you. Good luck getting your boss to grant you leave so you can spend thousands of

You have to recognize the difference between women having the right to volunteer and women being Forced. Saying I want the right to run a marathon if I deem it appropriate doesn’t mean I think that people should be Forced to run marathons. And being against forcing people to run at least one marathon on their lives,

“let” vs “force” are pretty different.

Oh, rape is not a different thing for women in the military than in civilian life? My mistake. The likelihood, the legal system, the ramifications for reporting, the decreased access to pregnancy prevention and termination, here i was thinking these things are different for women in the military, but maybe they’re not?

And please don’t think this measure is about equality. It’a about punishing women for wanting equality.

You don’t see any difference in the fact that military women can get pregnant from their rapes and have no access to abortion?

Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.

Nope. I want the military to change it’s fucked up treatment of sexual assault victims. No “personality disorder” labels for the crime of reporting a rape, and therefore kicked out. Full access to rape treatment, including morning-after-pills and abortion if necessary. If a woman in the military needs an abortion, she

Wonder what it would take to get female service members access to abortion overseas.

Sounds like she should have broken up with the guy when she realized he was the violent type. Oh, wait...

And college campuses have a lot of women too, but women are also still at greater risk of rape than the men are. So unless you’re proposing 75% female military?

Again, it’s asking More women than it’s asking of men. If equality is the goal, this wouldn’t be it.

It’s proven BS that it’s women who hold responsibility for whether men rape or not.