
LOL. It’s less “freak out” and more “Spend three hours online diving down into how X situation is way worse than we ever thought and never going to get better.”

Owls have very small brains. Their eyes take most of their skull’s space. All in all, they’re not really smart, even for a bird.

I’ve just reached the freak out stage of that cycle. I’ll let you know how it goes.

One of the VTubers I follow recently caught some flak for saying that she cannot be friends with her viewers, and to view her as nothing more than an entertainer.

It’s fucking weird that we’re here. Were people always this weird about entertainers, but now we have the Internet to let us see that weirdness, or are

This is a good thing. I’ve given the Kelvin timeline the benefit of doubt, even when other Trekkies reflexively hated it, but it was all downhill after the reboot. Into Darkness was the Wrath of Khan remake nobody asked for and Beyond was a waste of Idris Elba’s time and talent.

but the grapes

Just let people play the damn game. We don’t need 2 articles a day telling them how to get certain things just let them play. Also change your fucking headlines instead of instantly spoiling the end rewards of a quest people probably havnt finished yet

lol I have to know the context of that last one with “your nose feeling like a rainbow” it’s going to haunt me not knowing.



Does “you fucking suck” really even qualify as trash talk? Trash talking is supposed to be insulting, often even cruel, but usually there’s an element of playfulness and creativity to it. Bluntly telling someone they fucking suck, particular after you’ve already won the match, is just...being a dick.

Not me listening to Kenny Rogers and high while reading your post…

These puns are Straight fire. Glad this comment floated to the top instead of getting lost in the Shuffle.

His house isn’t exactly full of these decks. He’s only got two pair.

Guile: “Go home and be a family man, Ken”

Ryu getting a day job in an office makes me think of Casey Jones going “undercover”.

Ryu does his taxes.