
Messaging and voice services never last. Every six to eight years it feels like, everyone has to migrate to a new one as the old one slowly implodes because of corporate bullshit making it dumber and worse.

Lol everybody said the console market was dying at the beginning of last gen as well and Sony cranked out nearly 120 million PS4's. The PS5 is already on pace to surpass that. Nintendo sells Switches hand over fist. Only the Xbox is really seeing struggles in the hardware market, and you have to think that’s largely

It’s still better then Nemesis...

Insurrection would have been fine as a two parter episode or something, like TMP was supposed to be.

I know, right? I got the Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt NES for Christmas as a kid, I spent a year of college playing Mario Kart 64, and I’m excited to see this movie with my kids tomorrow because they can enjoy something I grew up with and then moved past. I’m expecting a colorful kids movie with a few nods to older

All these basement dwelling incels that got an N64 in the 90s freaking out about this film is the most telling thing. Mario didn’t grow up with us and now its for a younger generation. Get over it.

If you’re playing this on the Switch in handheld mode, you will be able to read the font just fine. They should still let you resize for accessibility, but you’re being dramatic.

Complaining about the plot of a Super Mario movie seems kind of ridiculous considering Super Mario games barely have a plot themselves. 

“I’m so very sorry that they had to go through such a horrifying experience, it’s absolutely not their fault, and we’re already in the process of tracking down the fucking scumbag who did this,” Blomberg continued in a thread.

It’s not her. It’s a different artist named 弘司. Their twitter is koji_illust

Man, Wind Waker looked great when it came out. It looks pretty great now. I love it when a game focuses on looking interesting more than 1:1 recreations of people looking muddy and miserable. At some point the pursuit of graphics just became an end to itself, and it’s very dull.

My girlfriend and I wanted to play this, but we’re on the fence about getting Japanese citizens pregnant. We have a lot on our plate already.

Will Smith tried to add an action sequence once, but it was poorly choreographed and everyone kinda lost their minds over it.

Now playing

I dont have much to add beyond that I love Jamie Lee Curtis.

Yeah, she didn’t consider how that would look in print, did she?

“But I think the most important thing is inclusivity and ... basically just fucking more women anywhere, anytime, all at once.”

I not only am not interested, I am actively and joyously cheering for it to explode in their faces so hard that it should be a cautionary tale for anyone else wishing to replicate it.

Ya know, if we got some of these “admit the mistake early rather than futile attempts at some kind of brand cover” CxO types in banking, maybe certain banks wouldn’t be failing now?

They thought long and hard about their response. Such upstanding folk.

Idk if a human could pull this off by themselves, it doesn’t look like there’s mushroom for error.