
I mean, I’m not trying to be anal about it

The video of the gameplay looks like ass.


You don’t have to qualify Akuma being older. He’s devious enough as a middle aged character. Getting old would only make him more dangerous.

It may very well be that these loud assholes actually have a weird setup of ideas, that they know the “proper” way to be a human being, and have appointed themselves the Real Official Super-Guardian™ of how to human.

In other words, they do know that these people are human, and they are trying to make sure everyone

The philosophies and sentiments expressed in your article are all 100% fine by me, and I’m glad this shitshow is getting lambasted the way it is, it fully deserves it, on principle.

But at the same time, it is Southern Illinois meatheads we are talking about. As a native of the state, I have to say that we might be

I feel like the NES Trilogy can be skipped. Whether you do or do not like Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy IV will tell the tale. It has the whole package of a sweeping operatic storyline, a solid battle system, hour after hour of absolute bangers in the Soundtrack, it’s a relatively quick playthru compared to what came

I mean, her name has “Borrough” in it, which is a kind of donkey I think

You will all kneel before


What part of “Humanity” is difficult for humans to understand? I just don’t get it.

Or to put it another way, there’s a reason some kinds of behavior are called “InHUMANe.”

Well I say we throw the man a party and wish him well. He’s logged more minutes of absolute bangers in the games industry than just about anybody else. Cheers, Uematsu-san. Your songs are still gonna be stuck in my head long after I’ve forgotten my own name.

That actually was a lie Seph/Jenova told Cloud, which Hojo accidentally confirmed cuz he doesn’t care/misremembered.

I’m with you. I come here to you know, read stuff. Clearly, there is no consideration being given to people who enjoy reading stuff that makes sense.

Rydia of Mist, Terra Branford

...Look idk the green hair does something to me

I wish people were all as passionate as you are about it

People outside of big cities rarely really attend live performances of music these days that aren’t being put on by people already mega-stars, and this “live” music people go see is predominantly over produced in the way that you describe, even at what is

It obviously comes from AI-Generated NFTs, mixed with a healthy dose of SE’s boardroom insanity

Emergency! Ninja Peach has kidnapped Bowser!

...Wait, do we call Mario for this, or...

Boy am I sorry to say that you could be right

Any Company (to Fandom): “Stop doing the thing”