
I seem to recall a story by Mel Brooks that his joke from Blazing Saddles,

MAYOR LAPETTOMAINE: “...My good friend, Hedy Lamarr!”

HEDLEY LAMAR: “That’s ‘Hedley!’”

ML: “What are ya worried about!! It’s 1875! You’ll be able to sue her!”

Actually triggered a lawsuit from Hedy Lamarr, regarding use of likeness. And they

This sounds like Suikoden+FF7+Xenogears and I’m kinda here for it. Toriyama’s done JRPGs before, after all.

Genesis does what Mega Drive don’t

Sell 18~18.5 million units

Not liking blitzball is not the greatest of my problems with FFX, being fair.

Pokemon and First Person Shooters, mostly.

Pokemon because I just really don’t like the whole cutesy-wutesy aesthetic of it, and because its 1v1 battle system just doesn’t contain enough variety for me. And everywhere I go, I see Pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon good gravy this series is so gigantically popular! I don’t

I’m outside of this whole situation, but I have to say that at least maybe now, in the future, I won’t have to look at this meatbag’s horrible face anymore. Of all the things websites could post pictures of, I have had to look at this ugly bastard way too many times for my taste. 1 would have been too many.

You must de-cheat Chenglong to stand a chance.

I think I speak for all owners of a functional pair of eyes when I say I wish you guys would stop showing us Bobby Kotick’s horrible face. It is without exaggeration an affront to all that is natural and good. He’s a shit person too, but crap is he an ugly basterd.

We have a winner folks

“…Solid Snake’s ‘Nerfed’ Ass?

I’d like to nominate Geoff Keighley for “best non-marketing-corporatese answer to a tough interview question.”

The problem with selling your beauty
Is that when one wrinkle on your face becomes impossible to hide,
Your career is over unless you adapt to a new LOB.

My reaction to that user’s reaction: “of all the giant manbaby naivety-induced stupidity I’ve ever heard, literally what the fuck are they teaching in schools these days, you are playing a game about collecting drawings of tits, you absolute fucking idiot...I should calm down, the world is and always has been full of

I, for one, do not see the appeal of a jittering mess of random shouts from the peanut gallery in the first place. To me, it takes away from the experience of the piece of entertainment, on the face of it.

I really wish a new chain of game stores would start up and kick the crap out of Gamestop by just focusing on being everything that they’re not

Indeed, Kinja has been actively trying to make the comment section worse for several years now

This was around the time Metal Gear Solid was out, and Resident Evil 2 vastly outshone its predecessor in terms of voice talent. I am 100% certain that Star Ocean 2's voice clips got on my nerves a lot.

I am sure. And the battles in Star Ocean 2 were so frequent that hearing Claude quip “tHe EneMY!!” or “Oh, it’s just them!!” repeatedly very very much got on my nerves. The voice actors they hired sound like people they met at the laundromat.

I remember Star Ocean 2. I had it for ps1, but never really got around to giving it a solid playthrough.

I know it seems like this is all coming out of the blue, but I distinctly recall Electronic Gaming Monthly’s 1991 Video Game Buyer’s Guide (its “year end special edition issue” with an article giving “Best Of” awards) giving what essentially amounted to a Razzie to Nintendo for “MOST LAWSUITS.”

So, if you look into the