
I have no other opinion about this, other than that’s just plain gross.

For as much crap as Konami has pulled in recent years, Netflix and Powerhouse are making their bosses look real, real good. This is some top-tier entertainment for a Castlevania Fan like myself, and I even imagine that it’s bringing in new fans.

Konami could be printing money by releasing more Castlevania games at the

And another Get Rich Quick Scheme collapses like the literal house of cards it was. Good riddance.

She can’t be any worse than Bridget Wilson imploring “Don’t you dare try to protect me, Johnny Cage.” I get it that having Christopher Lambert and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa in the film made it hard to stand out, but there’s no excuse for Wilson’s Sonya Blade. It made her performance in Billy Madison look genuine and

This has a real “I haven’t slept in days, give the rabble whatever they want, so long as it brings silence” energy to it

Square-Enix has been doing it off and on since Final Fantasy II (Famicom) came out, so...I mean 

Am I the only person who feels like the whole “Named Generations” Convention has gotten stale to the point where I flare my nostrils and furrow my brow at the mere sight of it in an article? (Why did I even click on the article you might ask? 25 years of Internet Addiction is the answer)

I’m reminded of a certain

Hans Gruber over here thinks he needs more of my money
Yeah, thanks, gtfo

Saga Frontier had the same marketing pitch...then we all got to play it and found out it was just really really boring and padded out

Here’s the real shit:

Republicans want us to live in the United States of Do What We Say. Fuck that shit, our country was founded on your ass having to consult me before you make unilateral decisions about what my life is gonna be like.

I do not see a lot of news reports about Trumpists getting shot over their TRUMP

To the rest of the English-speaking world, there’s something inherrently funny about Brits goofing around

Now playing

Y’ever see Texas Chainsaw Massacre? ‘Orrible, innit? There’s this bird, screamin’ ‘Don’t sawr off me leg. Don’t sawr off me arm.’ I like something a little more romantic! Yknow? Something you can take the wife to, Officer And A Gentleman or something!”

Step 1: Invent problem nobody has
Step 2: Complain about problem
Step 3: ??????
Step 4: Clicks! (and profit)

I sound like Ben Croshaw to myself when I say that they could make a quick buck with a remake of Bushido Blade at this point, they’ve done nothing with a whole plethora of stuff they put out in the 90s

...Memories of the world before the fall remain...but the light of dawn doth never change, nor e’er the hearts of men...”

A nice font would be good for a change

Heck yeah, I came here to say the same thing

WotL has slowdown and sound quality problems. The original FFT had a very interesting reverb profile on its Sound Effects; this is gone in WotL and still has yet to be patched by anyone. The slowdown patch exists, but the audio quality problem on the sfx has yet to be worked on by anyone.

A new version with the

Of all people, Sega says the quiet part out loud.