
If you’re going to leave a headline up over the weekend then this is probably the best choice I’ve seen for a while, just saying

So two millionaires got in a virtual verbal slap fight today

In other news, I drank water today

Mr. Perfect Cell: “Amouranth and Pokimane!! HAHAHAHAHAHA...what, was Krillin busy???”

I get it

I repeat unto thee, Honored Compatriot, “Freak Not Out.”

Welcome to club Freak Not Out™ :)

See: Elvis, Beatles, Clapton, Michael Jackson, Woodstock ‘99, Taylor Swift’s numerous brushes with deranged stalkers, etc, etc

Fandom out of control = bad times. Though, I do feel like it’s just a symptom of a larger problem, that we live in a world literally right on the edge of cinderizing itself with bombs so

Me, commenting on ( <-That article:

Fire your CEO, now, SE.”

And holy crap, they went and did it

Listen, Fox Business, when you have brought home a CRT, hooked a NES up to it (preferably with RCA cables), and played and beaten 1st and 2nd Quests of LoZ1, you can start talking about what Legend of Zelda is and is not. Not before. GTFO of here with your lazy-ass pseudo-journalism, you’re on my turf now, bitches.

Hm, the Turtle Power is strong with this one

It’s nice to hear that a modern game sequel to a famous franchise has actually stuck the landing for a change. Pay attention, Square-Enix.

Sorry bout that lol

I mean, there is the hype machine, and then there is relentless corporate shilling...I’ve never seen anything like this. Nintendo has clearly bought about 200 articles over the course of the next month.

You’d have to ask my brother lol, I also had and still have no idea

Indeed. Me and my brothers’ NBA Jam matches got particularly inventive with the trash talk, to where it bordered on insanity that no passing listener would even recognize. “BEEP BEEP BACKIN UP THE SALT TRUCK,” and (upon getting a slam dunk), “MY NOSE!! FEELS LIKE A RAINBOW” were a couple of the stranger ones.

But this

Dicks scribbled on publicly viewable walls: Breaking News on CNN”

Somehow I don’t think their newsroom’d go for it but this here is Kotaku, baby, dicks lololol

Wow he’s really Flush with Nintendo Playing Cards now. A story like this should have a significant Draw. I Bet he’s happy to See the results of his effort. I’m Calling it, this guy’s got a Full House...of Nintendo Playing Cards

I’ve been up for 48 hours

Well then he can claim the standard deduction for a single adult of $12,500, presuming his fight winnings are less than or equal to that per year, and he doesn’t have to pay property tax or list itemized deductions and good GOD I miss being a kid

Ryu: “This seems like a distraction from your training, Ken”

Yknow, I’ve never really latched onto the whole Xbox vein of gaming, at all. I recognize the innovations it has brought to the gaming world, but I’ve never actually owned one.

I have to wonder if brand identity might have anything to do with how this is all playing out. Sony is known all over the world as a